BETTING ON THE RISE OR FALL of a stock without actually owning it (you own it in theroy) is called going long (rise) or going short (you win if the stock falls)
SOME OTHER GAMBLES that do nothing to create liquidity (IMHO) but are nothing more than a gamble are
Finance. the simultaneous purchase and sale of the same securities, commodities, or foreign exchange in different markets to profit from unequal prices.
a financial contract whose value derives from the value of underlying stocks, bonds, currencies, commodities, etc.
That the bightest minds in our society are doing nothing more than gamblig with societies moo moo is, IMHO, quite disgusting and a huge waste.
The people who won big on the sub prime market are those who bought morgages from the banks, bundled them together, and then dumped them at a whopping profit to mutual fund companies, pension plans etc.
However, putting fetters on the flow of money will also cause problems.
The problem with protectionism is it is short sighted, so they say. In the long haul it does not work and everyone loses because the nature of the beast of capitalism is that it requires an everexpanding market to exploit which can only be found outside of its borders.
What you propose is walking the path of socialism which also has its strenghts and weaknesses. Its greatest weakness , IMHO, is that the CIA will try to covertly destroy it (that is what the SEALS are for) and if they fail the US military bomb the f**k out of it.