Toronto Escorts

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  1. W

    Teksavvy ordered to release names of 2000 downloading customers

    So you're in favour of ripping people off?
  2. W

    Supreme Court of Canada will release its decision on the Bedford, Lebovitch and Scott

    It's hard to imagine how making the buying of it illegal can do nothing but worsen the situation. It will simply send sex work further under ground and make workers more vulnerable. I thought that after the Pickton case sex work would quickly become legalized and regulated. All the prudes in...
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    Breaking bad lego set for kids causes outrage

    New from the Daily Mail: Alarmism! This is marketed by a company not affiliated with lego. The world will keep on turning.
  4. W

    Why did everything taste better when I was a kid?

    Thats probably the case. I used to loath olives, pickles, and beer (when I could sneak some). Now I'd rather have those than candy.
Toronto Escorts