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  1. Sir Lancelot

    Did you ever wish....

    Re: No offense dejavu but .... I think what dejavu says makes sense.. but I would extend the thought a bit and say that technology has left more (and easier to follow) trails than there use to be (and this may tie into what Misty is saying). Therefore we need to take more precautions, and...
  2. Sir Lancelot

    Technical Help Please!!

    Re: Panicware I too have been using this one for a long time and love it. I've tried a number of different ones, and have found this one (Pop-Up Stopper) to be the best. There's a free version & a Pro version - the Pro adds extra algorithms to stop some of the more tricky pop-ups - well...
  3. Sir Lancelot

    Did you ever wish....

    Other Options & a Reply to Misty You can also get a Pocket PC (or Palm or other PDA) and connect to the internet either via Wi-Fi (wireless Ethernet) (you would need a wi-fi card for the Pocket PC) - but would need a "hotspot" to do so (many airports have wi-fi hotspots, and many coffee houses...
  4. Sir Lancelot

    Receive bad service, complain, get sued for $15 Million

    Re: A couple of points.... Thanks for the insight Ll. B. I had heard in the past that Canada had measures in place to reduce frivolous lawsuits. Thanks for the details on what those are. We can only hope that the US follows suit, and soon. It's gotten to the point in the US that even...
  5. Sir Lancelot

    Receive bad service, complain, get sued for $15 Million

    Replies - part 2 Yes they could sue for damages as a result of a frivolous lawsuit, but that costs yet more money for them. Some have long been proposing laws stating that in any law suits in which the defendant wins, the plaintiff automatically has to pay the defendants legal fees. The...
  6. Sir Lancelot

    Receive bad service, complain, get sued for $15 Million

    Replies - part 1 The plaintiff of the lawsuit is "Robert Novak, d/b/a" (its important to note the s in the company name as there is another company (no s) that is a completely separate company - although they recently changed names because of the confusion and...
  7. Sir Lancelot

    Receive bad service, complain, get sued for $15 Million

    While doing some surfing, I came across some info about an interesting lawsuit happening here in the US. While not directly related to the subject matter usually discussed here on TERB, it is directly related to what TERB is - a review board where we post our opinions. In short, a user of a...
  8. Sir Lancelot

    a hard man is good to find ...

    syndy, I see you're up to your old devilish tricks again... Getting everyone all worked up... what would we do without you around here...
  9. Sir Lancelot

    Episode II

    I too saw Clones on opening night. I have to say it was totally awesome. Episode I was a bit of a disappointment; but not so with Episode II. Definitely a movie you want to see on the big screen. And some of the outfits they have Natile Portman in... alone they make it worth seeing the moive.
  10. Sir Lancelot


    EXACTLY!! ...Cold shower time after reading that :-) I'll have to definitely have to arrange that ;-) .
  11. Sir Lancelot


    Definitely another excellent position! I like doggie this way (standing on the floor with her either kneeling on the bed or standing and leaning on the bed) rather than a “standard” doggie – I just feel like I have more balance and hence better control. (plus it's easier to give her a couple...
  12. Sir Lancelot


    Like I said, it is by far the best! - so does it have a name? Anyone? Or do we need to coin one for it? I need answers!!! -LOL
  13. Sir Lancelot


    Ok, four questions on this subject: 1) Is there a “name” (or slang term) for the following position: Guy sitting on a couch or chair; Lady straddles the guy (either kneeling on the couch or standing on the floor if guy is in a chair). I suppose it’s a form of the cowgirl (which is my second...
  14. Sir Lancelot


    Re: Ok... Now there's an idea for the next TERB party... a condomn face-off. Each guy and each gal has to try each condomn and then rate them. Think of the public serve we'd be doing - LOL
  15. Sir Lancelot

    ISO-video editing software

    If you want the absolute best - it's Adobe Premiere - currently at version 6.0. It isn’t cheap, but if it something can be done with computer video, Premiere can do it. You can download a 30-day trial from Adobe - last I knew it is a fully functioning trial. There are a lot of shareware...
  16. Sir Lancelot


    Kitty, Here's a quick and dirty tutorial: You'll need some software to resize the images for you. Pretty much all photo editing software can so such things. There will usually be an Image Size option on one of the menus (sometime under edit, sometimes Image, sometimes Option). -- search the...
  17. Sir Lancelot

    Who's the Hottest 'Law & Order' Female ADA?

    Elisabeth Rohm all the way!! Elisabeth Rohm all the way!! I Love the natural beauty of Elisabeth Rohm (as 'Serena Southerlyn'). She’s the type of woman you can look at now and know in 30 years she’ll still be hot. I was fantasying about Rohm from the very first episode she was on :) Angie...
  18. Sir Lancelot

    I have a surprise!!!!

    And there was much rejoicing!!! I’m very excited to hear this news (as I’m sure many others are).
  19. Sir Lancelot

    Any Web Coding Geniuses?

    .asp?????? Bite your tongue Morgan!! Doesn't Mr Gates have enough money already -LOL You should try .jsp pages instead of asp. Unlike asp, there's tons of freeware and open souce support for jsp. (Of course, then you might end up needing that java review course :) ) Java: In a world without...
  20. Sir Lancelot

    best "stupid people" stories

    If you like these... Check out the book Jay Leno's Police Blotter: Real-Life Crime Headlines from 'The Tonight Show With Jay Leno' (here's page and its Barnes & Nobles page ) You'll laugh your ass off reading this book...
Toronto Escorts