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    Mica at Solids

    is this the same mica that had a web page link on geralds o9ld site if so does anyone know iof the site is still up and what the address iss
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    High mileage girls @ nikki's

    i forgot to mention of the girls i talked to they say they were coming from toronto hamilton and london i don't know exactly why they would drive that far. just thought i would throw that in in case someone had any theories on the matter.
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    High mileage girls @ nikki's

    i was at nikki's on sunday night there was prolly 25 girls there about 15 or so were young college age girls and pretty good looking there was also about 5 black girls who all seemed little plder and the rest were overwieght old hags.can't comment on milage as i did not get any dances. on a...
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    Can someone send me some info of thier experinces with nina please thx?
Toronto Escorts