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  1. L

    Becoming too undesirable even for hobbying?

    Certainly no expert, but I find this thread interesting. One thing I know making my living off sales is that people in general, and women in particular, have a natural ability to detect confidence or a lack thereof. I don't know you in person OP but I have been through a phase in my life where...
  2. L

    Is this too rough?

    I find it VERY interesting that the male posters in this thread are the ones condemning this video and the female posters are the ones saying it isn't that bad. What does that tell you? I can't speak obviously about the willingness of the girl in this video to participate, but I can say I have...
  3. L

    CL Ad - Vanier

    Where would I find this info? Maybe I'm feeling brave...LOL
  4. L

    Ops PK did it again!

    So here's the thing. I have been following this thread for a few days now and I have a concern. I have NEVER used PK. Just a matter of opportunity I guess. But it seems to me that Jessica has no problem with saying "our" service and "our New additions" when there is a positive bit of feedback...
  5. L

    My 2 cents for Brandy from Pink Kitty

    Seriously...what is the big secret with PK. Nobody it seems EVER mentions the costs involved with these folks. No offence but I guess I'd like to know too..thanks
  6. L

    Petite Amy

    How does one hook up with her...sounds like a lot of bs
  7. L

    2007 Most Beautiful O-Town SP Nominations

    OOOOO...She loves that boys? LOL
  8. L

    2007 Most Beautiful O-Town SP Nominations

    So many haters.. As far as my vote...well I haven't seen any of the other SP's on the list except Alexxxis....and I can confirm, top shelf all the way. It's a shame I can't see Rachelle when she's in town...I miss all those romps with K-Town girls from my high school (and beyond) days...
  9. L

    grrr no shows...

    Give me a break...what person would fake a personality as a Leaf Fan? LOL
  10. L

    grrr no shows...

    Funny...I never had any problems getting time with her...she always came to my place though. She's been getting some bad press on Terb of late but I tell ya, I can honestly say I've never been let down with Alexxxis.
  11. L

    Forgive the ignorance but...

    Yes well done, you're very creative. I'm sure your foster parents are so proud of you that they'll send you a Christmas card this year...then you won't be alone during the holidays.
  12. L

    Phone line "elle et Lui"

    no french Can't speak French is this line still cool?
  13. L

    new ad on ec

    Anyone know anything about this girl? She looks like fun...
  14. L

    APT hunting

    I live near Lorry Greenberg...and I have a friend who lives there with her man. It's a decent area, from what I can tell anyway. It's a little farther South more near the Airport then Caling and 417
  15. L

    Forgive the ignorance but...

    I'm new to the forum so I'm having some tropuble figuring out all the codes!! Some are ovious so I won't as k for confirmation but what are: daty? ....crap, now I can't think of any more. Oh well...someone help me out. Thanks
Toronto Escorts