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    Iran bans Valentine's Day

    Only people getting fucked over are the stock owners of Cadbury n Hallmark.
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    North Korea & Iran, two states in need of "regime change"

    U are absolutely right to be paranoid but u choose to be paranoid over N Korea and Iran? C'mon man, step away from CNN and stop drinking the cool aid.
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    Best bars to watch UFC 118?

    Filmores has no cover charge....
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    Personally, i lose respect for anyone who believes in fairy tales of any kind.
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    Cell Phone Tracking

    My apologies, i dont read these boards daily nor have i for four years. If its so gay that it offends u then GTFO of this thread.
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    Cell Phone Tracking

    Cell phone tracking... This works on all Canadian as well as American networks----- Want to find out where your partner or employee is? Want to track his or her whereabouts? Well, good old Google Earth just got better... Type in his or her cell phone number and You will get the location of that...
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    Im sorry. Im also curious... What brings u to a Canadian escort review board to discuss politics?
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    What do mean by us? Are u American?
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    MMA Coming to Ontario ?

    Comparing MMA and WWE is like comparing apples to oranges.... MMA is a sport whereas WWE is entertainment only
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    Hopes and Prospects

    During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act....
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    Hurrah for Hugo Chavez

    Yes really, u would HAVE to at the very fuckin least be in the bottom 25% to be considered "at the bottom" and with the spin he was using i would think at least the bottom 10%. Ur perceptions and arguments are juvenile at best, u would rather play word games that have an actual debate with facts.
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    Hurrah for Hugo Chavez

    Now u chime in.... Did i ever use the term paragon of light? He said it was the bottom according to the press freedom index. Using his very own source of information i just proved that he is wrong and making false and misleading statements. Never mind the fact that RSF’s Press Freedom Index is...
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    Hurrah for Hugo Chavez

    Nice try? 124th out of 175 is not at the bottom of the press freedom index.... So when u said... U are wrong and making misleading statements..... Dont let facts get in the way of ur opinion though. As per the rest of ur opinions, especially.... U are confusing democracy with an economic...
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    Do you suppose anyone in the Obama Administration is paying the slightest attenion?

    Didnt u say that u wouldnt believe an article u read in the Telegraph? Contradict urself all the time or just when ur trying to make a point?
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    Let’s get real. The U.S. is bankrupt.

    I would have to agree with your assumption. However, i will do some more research later, i am now curious myself.
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    Let’s get real. The U.S. is bankrupt.

    The U.S. holds gold, oil, and foreign currency in reserve. The U.S. has 8,133.5 metric tonnes of gold (it is the world’s largest holder). That’s 16,267,000 pounds. At current dollar values, it’s worth around $300 billion. The U.S. strategic petroleum reserve shows a current total position of 725...
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    Let’s get real. The U.S. is bankrupt.

    When governments go bankrupt it’s called “a default.” Currency speculators figured out how to accurately predict when a country would default. Two well-known economists – Alan Greenspan and Pablo Guidotti – published the secret formula in a 1999 academic paper. That’s why the formula is called...
Toronto Escorts