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  1. S


    Dannie is fully retired and left the business to get married. our loss
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    kinky nicole

    she had some enhancements added on a while back she has been working since but I am not surprised that she took some additional time off .... that is fairly major surgery ski
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    Nearly fell asleep....

    sucks and confusing and very tiring to us considering using the blue-board only on a go forward basis
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    fake pics again

    warning TO ALL this lady is using pics from another SP from Toronto I would say this is sufficient to STAY AWAY
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    Riley 2806

    her add is down already do you have contact info has she moved on, and is this her??? phone 6.4.7 - 7.7.8 - pls let us know! skiman
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    Artman go to staples take out your wallet buy a cheap calculator learn to use it ...... it is not 13 years..... lolololololol skimann (CA) just busting your chops
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    New terb structure horrible

    I don't like the new format either. The competitor - ********** has retained the old format ... at it remains much easier to use!
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    Changes at the Office

    I called today. The "irish guy" that answered, said that her popularity with us took a toll on her, and that she would be back in a couple of weeks to a month...... that is what he said.... not sure if there is any substance to him or not. First time I called the office and got a guy answering...
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    I have talked to Dannie (texted). She is taking a break for personal do not worry not health issues for her or you. She may be back as early as the new year. Just wish her a well deserved break! She is a treat!
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    Kelly is a gem

    I want to also confirm that Kelly was awesome. Half way thru my first and only session I told her she was my new favourite. her skills are unbelievable!!!
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    Bella Bliss The illusive/ One of Kit's gems.

    well Laser1 you put it up there .... how was it? or should I say how great was it?
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    Worst Booking Ever - Dantay 7749 - Is this typical? 5 hours I won't get back. :(

    had a similar experience where I booked the night before .... then reconfirmed in the AM .... and the nothing ... she said she was sick and fell asleep for many hours and slept through appointments .. but no real apology... if her reputation was not so spectacular she would be considered a...
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    warning anastasia 7915

    cannot make the connection to you reference in the TO would like to see it as I almost went down that road today ... I was scrambling to find a replacement, when I thought my lunch date bailed on me, luckily I did not follow thru here! Ski
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    Massage Place in Cambridge

    no comment on whether or not the WIFE is a DOCTOR....... can we have some closure on this issue mullettman66 ???? thanks
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    Late review of Dannie at Playhouse(?)

    never mind she is too busy now! she is just awesome. I have re-re-re-repeated with her, which is something I do not do!
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    Suggestions for a Spinner

    I texted her the other day. She said the rash was gone... I was horny but not desperate. She said is was a simple skin infection that could come from working with the public.... not a great comfort to me. I think with her pending departure to Calgary that I will sit this stampede out. skiman
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    Suggestions for a Spinner

    WOW I had a great time with her about A YEAR AGO sounds like she had run into problems lately maybe not a sound recommendation after all sorry ... did not see the other posts first\ ski
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    Suggestions for a Spinner

    here is Stephanies' contact for tonight I had a good time with her the 420 issue may make her alouf to some if you get her on a high? - maybe - just guessing
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    it is not as bad a KI but it is not too far off either
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    Suggestions for a Spinner

    since you want the spinner on the shorter side, I would suggest Steph / Stephannie who comes into KW from London on a semi-regular basis. She has some tat's but has been known to be fun. 420 friendly if that matters or not - it does not affect my visits with her. ski
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