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  1. G

    Asian gang of predators abused and raped up to 100 girls as young as 12 (Muslims)

    From Norway's national tv station:
  2. G

    Geraldo Rivera now has doubts about what happened on 9-11

    As usual, you are too lazy to research anything for yourself. The original 9/11 truthers were Bush bashers. The majority of Bush bashers are lefties. You are an idiot if you believe that Obamacare doesn't run the health care system. The legislation is 2,700 pages of rules and regulations...
  3. G

    Geraldo Rivera now has doubts about what happened on 9-11

    GM can't run a car company and under a normal capitalist environment would fail. I don't trust the government to do anything efficiently. By limiting the federal government to its Constitutional confines, you reduce this inefficiency to a minimum. If you spend a little time googling the 9/11...
  4. G

    Toronto---25 of 28 Murder Victims by Guns are Black Men

    WHERE IS THE PROOF DAMN IT?!!!!!!! And what is the frequency, Kenneth?
  5. G

    Fail and Grow Rich on Wall Street

    Canada is the US's largest trading partner. Facts don't hold much sway with you I noticed.
  6. G

    Palin supports "North Korean Allies"

    And the affirmative action candidate with no executive experience (BHO) was the dream candidate of both the democrat and republican parties. So be careful what you wish for.
  7. G

    Toronto---25 of 28 Murder Victims by Guns are Black Men

    They aren't "genetically criminal", they are culturally criminal.
  8. G

    Asian gang of predators abused and raped up to 100 girls as young as 12 (Muslims)

    I read the all the major British newspapers on a regular basis and have never once read of any Muslim woman being raped by anyone other than another Muslim. I have read many accounts of Muslim men raping female infidels.
  9. G

    China, Russia quit dollar

    The really "sad part" is that you are so pathetically misinformed that you don't know that the war in Afghanistan received bipartisan support.
  10. G

    Palin supports "North Korean Allies"

    Here is the transcript: Interviewer: How would you handle a situation like the one that just developed in North Korea? Palin: Well, North Korea, this is stemming from a greater problem, when we're all sitting around asking, 'Oh no, what are we going to do,' and we're not having a lot...
  11. G

    Fail and Grow Rich on Wall Street

    Subsidizing failure is never a good idea.
  12. G

    Asian gang of predators abused and raped up to 100 girls as young as 12 (Muslims)

    If you read the European press on a regular basis you will find many instances of Muslim men raping Western women. Seems to be culturally accepted within the ROP death cult.
  13. G

    Asian gang of predators abused and raped up to 100 girls as young as 12 (Muslims)

    Do you remember this part? Sahih Muslim, book 8, 3371: “We went out with Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) on the expedition to the Bi'l-Mustaliq and took captive some excellent Arab women; and we desired them, for we were suffering from the absence of our wives, (but at the same...
  14. G

    Geraldo Rivera now has doubts about what happened on 9-11

    The 9/11 truther movement is largely found on the left. You disagree? I haven't read any of the government 9/11 reports because imho the twin towers were obviously brought down by planes being flown into them. I did read the Popular Mechanic piece when it first came out. I am sure the...
  15. G

    Geraldo Rivera now has doubts about what happened on 9-11

    The real "irony" is that the same people that don't trust the government to produce a credible 9/11 analysis, trust the govenment to run their lives (health care, social security, economy, etc...).
  16. G

    Asian gang of predators abused and raped up to 100 girls as young as 12 (Muslims) An Asian gang of 'sexual predators' cruised city streets for girls as young as 12 - usually white - who were then plied with drink and drugs and raped or abused. Up to 100 ‘vulnerable’...
  17. G

    Palin, One More Time Looks like Palin is right as usual.
  18. G

    Hanging Chads, Part Deaux

    No trick. You said that the republicans benefitted from voter intent in the last election. What election are you referring to? Murkowski's election six years ago? I honestly don't know of any recent Alaskan recount election that benefitted republicans based on voter intent. Please enlighten me.
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