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  1. A

    Trish's new ad

    hi Alexis does not work for Trish
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    The death of Chris Benoit

    ahhh crap wow,honestly i didnt see it on the sports section cause i didnt think people would considerate sports but anyways i feel retarded now LOL.Carry on now..
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    The death of Chris Benoit

    Fuck guys,we lost another beloved Canadian Champion,this time Chris Benoit,i dont have a link,dont know how to do it but,now you know.He killed his wife,then 7yr old son,then himself.This is truly sad.I grew up watching him,from wcw,4horse men,wwe.This is fucked but all the wrestlers died from...
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    Bush receives Purple Heart

    Ha ha Your right,there is no truth here,but sure fucking is all over the news everyday.A hoax,buddy when was the last time you watched the news,the veteran himself came on air saying he was proud of his president thats why he gave it.It doesnt take a liberal to jump on your beloved president or...
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    Bush receives Purple Heart

    Wow Fucking disgusting,your purple heart,the same heart you took bullets and lives for?!!!! Shit have some honor and respect for yourself!Bush is the worst thing that happened to America!Whats wrong with these people!He's the cause for sept 11 and the murder of Iraq!And we still dont know...
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    KFC anyone?

    only one solution **Complaining to the manager doesnt do anything,if they actually dont care about health,then give a call to the health department im sure KFC will be happy to see them!I mean theyre only getting paid 8$/hr do you actually think they care?
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    Q: Cardio BEFORE or AFTER crunches (GYM RELATED)

    hmm Hi,i know what your talking about.Honestly its better to do cardio first then weight training cause weights take alot out of you and cardio fills u up with energy,ive been going to the gym since the age of 16 trust me dude i know what im talking about.If you wanna gain weight the healthy...
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    Oriental update

    gmuoo i already sent u pm 1 week ago saying it was indeed Jasmine from Lylas the previous owner.
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    Porn sites but like youtube? Any ideas?

    hi,you porn or theyre both good no pop ups no hiden caches QUOTE=The Truman Show]
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    Paris Hilton gets jail time

    honestly,this xxxx aint going to jail if anything shes gonna get probation and pay a large fine,cmon guys she a star we all know what happens to them,jail free card is around the corner! But if an average blow joe does that,theyre fucked! And they say that no one is above the law hey!
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    Mods Plz Check Your Pm
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    Global warming

    Caused mostly by us or the govt? What would you do if it happened? Are you really ready? What happens if we go back to the ice age!!!!:eek: Im screwed
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    IRAQ: Children living without limbs lack support

    Iraq you know,whats really sad is that its easier going in the war then getting out. These poor kids did not ask for war nor destruction,but it came to them. So the Us invades,captures Saddam(and oil),nukes the shit out of Iraq,abuses the civilians and children for their sick pleasures,them...
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    Massage release question

    it could be any sec,how long can you hold it?:D
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    Live shark attack caught on video

    lol you bastard i thought it was actually a Real Shark attacking a REal whale! Lmao!!!:D
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    CIM Poll: Ladies, do you let ur bf CIM?

    love it with my ex of 5yrs,i swallowed every drop without wasting any,to be honest it tasted good!When your with the person you love and your both clean,things work out both ways for the best.I let him CIM anytime,i was like a vaccum sucking everything off...and i loved it,every drop and second...
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    if you wanna post a pic

    thank you,done and done.
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    if you wanna post a pic

    how the heck do you do it?!!I have been trying for the past 20 mins,im getting mad at it!Help!!!!!!!! Its the picture at the bottom of you sig
Toronto Escorts