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  1. N

    The Person With The Last Post In This Thread Wins!

    ... that's just crazy___
  2. N

    The Person With The Last Post In This Thread Wins!

    Hmmm ... awfully quiet lately ... do I win by default
  3. N

    mp on Bayfield, north of 5 corners, Hui Shui or something like that..

    I hit up the one on the south corner of 5 points last summer and had a decent time ... Older but cute asian around 30. Booked an hour and had a decent massage with some frills and a BS.
  4. N

    Doomsday: How BP Gulf disaster may have triggered a 'world-killing' event

    related ....
  5. N

    Hi Casa_Nova ... I just gotta ask where is that vid clip from ? It looks like a hollywood pic...

    Hi Casa_Nova ... I just gotta ask where is that vid clip from ? It looks like a hollywood pic but they look like they're actually fucking ... thnx in advance
  6. N

    Would you pay $750 per hour for this sp?

    there's clearly too much money floating around edmonton ...
  7. N

    A Happy Hippy Song To Start Your Saturday Night.

    yea ! more peace and love from my childhood ...
  8. N

    A Happy Hippy Song To Start Your Saturday Night.

    or in a quieter vein by the airplane check out ...
  9. N

    A Happy Hippy Song To Start Your Saturday Night.

    or how about ...
  10. N


    ... dancers start around lunchtime ... the weird shifts at the plant mean the girls come in earlier ... There are a couple that only do stage dances - no vip ... The VIP is a joke - no touching with 80% of the dancers, let alone no mileage AND the dances are $20 a pop ! If you must get a VIP...
  11. N

    2 weird videos ...

    a couple of different friends sent these to me and they are so laughably bizarre that i couldn't pass on the chance to share them and cause others to regret clicking ....
  12. N

    Possible Elf candidate for Christmas eve...

    Damn ! I can't stop watching misteme's signature gif ... WHO is she ???
  13. N

    Amanda's Book Club

    Every Man Dies Alone by Hans Fallada
  14. N

    out of the blue peeler texts ...

    she's dancing crossovers so i would have to agree ...
  15. N

    Alone on Christmas Eve?

    yup it sucks.
  16. N

    out of the blue peeler texts ...

    So I'm minding my own business this morning when i get a text saying " hi handsome how ya doin ?" . Naturally curious I text back .... as it transpires i have somewhere in the past year and a half given my phone number to a peeler in the barrie area when i wasn't aware that i had done so ...
  17. N

    CBC chat moderator biased!

  18. N

    Dec 3rd elf of the day...

    hey joker12 is that violet doin that DT in your gif ?
  19. N

    Fascinating who becomes an SP

    ... brains are always a big turn on ...
  20. N

    Mystery epidemic in Ukraine

    yet another pov
Toronto Escorts