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    Lesbians Don't Sexually Assault Women that Are dressed Slutty

    While domestic violence does and can occur in any relationship, I'd suggest everyone do research somewhere that isn't a website designed to 'integrate Christian faith and knowledge in the public square' and which starts off the article by saying "here's what we should be telling young people...
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    Bob Dylan's best song?

    A lot of stuff off "The Times They Are A-Changin'" album are great. Ballad of Hollis Brown, Only A Pawn in Their Game, Lonesome Death of Hattie Carrol. And I'm not sure if anyone's mentioned it, but Blowin' In the Wind is an all-time classic.
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    Don't change the anthem

    Not sure what the big deal here is, or why I've been reading quite a few complaints. I hear the Canadian and U.S. anthems toyed with all the time. Back when I was in high school, they used to play a different version over the PA every morning. Sometimes it was very traditional, but other times...
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    Top 10 Series of all time

    Forgive me if I've missed it....but how could nobody have mentioned "SCTV"?
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    Review: Terb Christmas Party

    Thanks to all the organizers and sponsors. It was my first time at one of these, and overall it was a fun time. I'm pretty quiet, so mingling wasn't easy, per se, but I did get to meet quite a few people and hopefully will be able to connect with them sometime in the future. Didn't win anything...
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    The Wrestler

    Hogan probably lost a ton of money as a result of his divorce. And Flair always seems to be in debt or something. But trust me, neither of them are so desperate that they need to cut or bleed or that they would be pushed into it. They wouldn't have done that if they didn't want to.
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    Former WWE Superstar Andrew "Test" Martin Found Dead

    Actually, he kind of gave the push to himself. Instead of a logical HHH/Test feud after the Hunter-Stephanie marriage, Vince wound up being the one to feud with Hunter and Test fell off the map.
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    Favorite funny quotes?

    Gandhi, asked for his thoughts on Western civilization: "I think it would be a good idea".
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    Muslim sees the light, Converts to Christianity

    He chose a "true religion of peace"? Come on. Religions are man-made and followed and practiced by human beings. They can all be used for peace or for hatred. Yes, there are plenty of Islamic extremists around the world, and the type of religion they practice is pretty hateful. But is Islam as...
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    Israel's Men of God - Wonderful Role Models

    Why are there so many posts on this board that basically repeat the same thing? "Look everyone, an Israeli said something racist!" "Look, this Arab is a bigot!". Should we be surprised that there are racists on both sides of the Arab/Israeli conflict? Pointing it out every time someone of the...
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    Best-Selling Holocau$t™ Book a Hoax!, Outrageous Propaganda Exposed

    I don't get it. If I write a book about my experiences in the Second World War, only to be exposed as a fraud when people learn I'm in my 20's, does that mean that World War II never happened?
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    Why Ask If I Am Married

    Maybe it makes it kinkier for her. But like someone said earlier in this thread, some SP's feel that you're "safer" if you're married (more discreet, probably concerned with safety, etc).
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    New Iron Man Trailer

    In the comics, his heart is injured by a piece of shrapnel. He creates the armor to keep him alive, and also to escape from the POW camp where he's being held. He had to wear the armor's chest plate for a while to keep his heart going until he got the artificial one or some other kind of tech...
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    your favorite tv sitcom of all time?

    I picked All in the Family, though Seinfeld is right up there. Cheers should also be on the list.
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    RIP Chris Benoit

    I don't think it has to do with his wrestling character. Hell, he was a heel a ton of times. It's the fact that according to any wrestlers who worked with him, any wrestling journalists and commentators and anyone who interacted with him, he seemed to be a good, easy-going kind of guy...
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    RIP Chris Benoit

    I wouldn't say all the wrestlers on that list were "famous", but yes, the amount of premature deaths of wrestlers is staggering, and it's clear that the business takes an incredible toll on most of the people in it. Which makes this even more difficult, since Benoit seemed like one of the more...
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    RIP Chris Benoit

    First off, my condolences to all the family and friends. Second, I'll miss Benoit a lot. He was undoubtedly my favorite active wrestler. Third....yes, if this was a murder-suicide, and Benoit was responsible, it would of course lessen my respect. I believe these things are the result of some...
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