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  1. J

    Is Manned Space Flight Worth It?

    comment... ...In my view, the shuttle/space program is a major scientific achievement. This often seems to be overlooked in the media; that the shuttle is an experimental vehicle. I hope that the astronauts return safely to Earth, as well. Sincerely, Jon .
  2. J

    WWF - Drilling in the Arctic

    Further... Thank you your response Ms. Jasmin MA . I agree that technologies can be subject to interpretation. However, I believe that the more relevant consideration is that technologies are more subject to application. Sincerely, Jon .
  3. J

    WWF - Drilling in the Arctic

    continuing... ...'well i hope im not around when that happens...' . Perhaps an alernative perspective might be that the value of one's existence could determined by what it is they leave behind for others. Sincerely, Jon .
  4. J

    WWF - Drilling in the Arctic

    further comments... Thank you for your response Ms. Jasmin MA. All perspectives are valuable. But for me; I would have more faith in modern, objective scientific analysis, than in the anecdotal observations of less developed cultures from times past. Sincerely, Jon .
  5. J

    WWF - Drilling in the Arctic

    additional... important point Mr. 001. Just in the interest of receational debate, I believe that the real resource of the future, is not oil, but fresh water. It's not hard for me to imagine that sometime in the near future, fresh water will surpass oil, gold, platinum, uranium, etc. in...
  6. J

    WWF - Drilling in the Arctic

    Thank you for your reply Ms. Jasmin MA . A possible consideration here might be that as scientific technologies improve, more data is then possible for collection. Sincerely, Jon .
  7. J

    WWF - Drilling in the Arctic

    Reply... ...'does that help any'? If you mean does your reply clarify your point, no, not really. Perhaps we should not 'anticipate all needs for oil'; but rather we should be thinking about the alternatives to the uses of oil(and its by-products). In the interm, conservation and consumption...
  8. J

    WWF - Drilling in the Arctic

    Mr. DonQuixote, I'm not sure that I follow your logic here. As I see it, 75 years is a very 'short term' time period. A better solution might be to develop energy sources that are not finite, so that we do not face an ultimate energy crisis. Sincerely, Jon .
  9. J

    WWF - Drilling in the Arctic

    unsolocited opinion... Interesting thread...Ms. Jasmin MA(post # 9) makes an interesting point with her observation that underground oil deposits may help to buffer the effects of earthquakes; however, I believe that history shows that earthquakes are a part of the Natural World. Good to see...
  10. J

    I am curious...Member input

    Reply to question... I'm new here on this site, but if I understand your question correctly, I can tell you what I look for in an the advertisments of a Directory;...and that is tasteful but still 'revealing' enough photographs that show the SP's figure(boobs, Bum and legs), and something of...
  11. J

    Toronto Mayor's reason for gun violence...

    Re: Guns in Toronto... In my view, the problems of gun violence in Toronto recently(over the last ten or fifteen years or so)is indicative of Canada's 'open' immigration policies, lax border patrol, and ineffective Judicial system. How do we explain to our American neighbours, that yes, we have...
  12. J

    Is Manned Space Flight Worth It?

    Re: Space Travel...(is it worth it?)... I believe it is. There seems to be something inherent in the Human psychology that propells us all forward with our questions. What's over that rise? What's over that Mountain?;...and so on. I think that Mr. George of the Jungle has provided the best...
  13. J

    Party at Paradise Thursday Aug 4th How many will attend?

    Re: Club Paradise; an unsolicited opinion... This is a nice Club. I was there recently for a Connexxxions party. The Club is on the small size, but it has a calm and refined decorum. The sound system is good, and the women are all beautiful. Lots of free parking(in the Mall across the street)...
Toronto Escorts