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  1. Y

    I am being called a Stalker ?

    Awwwwwwwww, Look at all the lonely people!!!!!!
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    I am being called a Stalker ?

    I stand corrected, You are a real Nowhere Man. Sitting in your Nowhere Land, Making all your nowhere plans for Nobody. Revlover you don't even have a point of view!!! You are as blind as you could be, You just see what you want to see. Now Let it go before I or moogama really humiliate you!
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    I am being called a Stalker ?

    What are you talking about?? I was in the background trying to screw you over for Paige. VBB didn't need to tell me anything about it. BBE's Gone...Let it go Revolver, before you go from Nowhere Man To Needing HELP! Who cares?
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    I am being called a Stalker ?

    I couldn't give a rats ass about it anymore to tell you the truth. If there was really a jackpot to win and you won it, then it would be a different story. I just posted in this thread to see if I could kick Fangs ass in a fist fight. I just noticed a lot of people budding in on this thread...
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    I am being called a Stalker ?

    So you admit to being Nowhere Man. The cut and Paste King! At least we are getting somewhere, This is Progress. Hey I would have done the same. If I thought of it first. So can you let it go now?
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    I am being called a Stalker ?

    He didn't...thats the argument. read between the lines.
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    I am being called a Stalker ?

    Why are you so defensive? and who the hell is tuggy? I'm ygguT?
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    I am being called a Stalker ?

    masTERBating in my room. Shhhhhh, don't tell anyone its me!
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    I am being called a Stalker ?

    Since I was originally involved in this I would like to comment on a few things... 1) First thing's first, VBB since no one here knows what really happened it looks like a stupid battle. 2) If there is going to be an online fist fight...I would like to take this opportunity to kick Cardinal...
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    Shades of the Who's "Pinball Wizard"

    If they make a movie out of this, do you think that Tina Turner will be too be the Acid Queen?
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    I Ponder......

    What are you talking about???? Do I know you? You must have me mixed up with someone else ;)
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    I Ponder......

    I'm telling TJ that you called her a Him... Your gonna get your head kicked in. :eek:
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    I Ponder......

    Why Goddess? I hate Goddess. :mad: ...Plus TJ will kick someones head in.
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    Pro Cafe on Friday 5 th

    Does that mean that Goober is almost as much as a fag as Tugger, since Goober was second last?
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    Sexiest "Trailer Park Boy" Girl

    How come Rita MacNeil isn't on this list?
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    A little help from you Brady Bunch fans

    "Jump the Shark" didn't exist in Brady Bunch days, So I would say never. "Jump The Shark" originated from Happy Days, when Fonzie was going to do a water ski jump over a shark. This was when everyone was afraid of Sharks and was used to generate ratings.
  17. Y

    My very first MPA visit... review jessica pickering angels

    They are the same.... However someone from Guelph was following her around. So she moved away from the Guelph spa because it was too close to home. Now she is in Pickering on Weekends. So maybe we shouldn't talk about it.
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