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  1. B

    Who The Hell Said Toronto-Like Service Wasn't Available in Windsor?...

    I've been to three different massage parlour locations now, and at all three I received the standard Toronto "offering" merely by asking for it. Prices in line with Toronto, too...if not somewhat cheaper. Girls are nice 'n young here, also...perhaps I'm just lucky... Baron
  2. B

    Windsor 5-0 Buzzes Pelissier MP...Live Coverage

    Too funny...not a half hour ago I was driving down Pelissier doing some reconnoitering of the massage parlours along there when, low 'n behold a squad car and cop SUV pull pass me and stop say 100 yards down the road, block off the street and proceed to go into an MP (which one exactly I do not...
  3. B

    Massages In Windsor: A Nebulous Affair

    Roger that...stupid question on my part...fair response on yours. Baron
  4. B

    Massages In Windsor: A Nebulous Affair

    Thanks, Brus. I swear this will be my final Windsor-newbie question, but when you say $60-$80 for the attendant to "finish her massage", you mean the standard, um, hand release (presumably with her clothes more or less still on), is that correct? And by anything "more intimate", we are...
  5. B

    Massages In Windsor: A Nebulous Affair

    Thanks,'s fucking amazing there are any massage parlours at all that remain in business...I mean, what on earth is the utility/usefulness of the experience? get all revved-up, only to have to go home and jerk-off...a seemingly shit business model if ever there was one...oh...
  6. B

    Massages In Windsor: A Nebulous Affair

    Despite my previous queries, the kind/informative responses thereto, and reading of other threads, I am still somewhat confused as to what one actually gets when going for massage here. I realize there must be some variation from place to place, however, how would one describe an "average"...
  7. B

    Any interest?

    Any Interest?... Yeah, I am interested in getting into young Winter's panties. I drive past KW all the time - I am gonna pull off the 401 next time and pay her a visit. Baron
  8. B

    "Brandy" of Border City Divas...

    ...looks inordinately fuckable...any commentary on her?...did a search and came up with very little...a girl of such apparent calibre is surely worth a few words by someone, nein? Baron Von Munch
  9. B

    Good Rub 'n Tugs In Windsor?...

    Final Thoughts...For Now As suggested, I read some of the other threads...I am blown away...the girls generally don't even get nude? freakin' hand-release, and, on the occasion you find someone who is willing to do it, they are going to charge you extra for that?!...WTF?!! guys were...
  10. B

    Good Rub 'n Tugs In Windsor?...

    The Brus, Any References For Joints With Young n' Nubile Attendants?.... ...thx....PM me if you want. Regards, Baron
  11. B

    Good Rub 'n Tugs In Windsor?...

    Thanks For All The Responses... And my profuse apologies about the "scummy" with any city - especially one with an industrial past, and, for that matter, present - there are some pretty freakin' run down neighborhoods...I am not editorializing, merely stating fact...and then...
  12. B

    Good Rub 'n Tugs In Windsor?...

    Shit, I'll Answer My Own Post... ...I don't know if there are any good ones, but they certainly appear to be all over the place...not hidden, contraire...bright, flashing neon lights...doors propped open...big street signs...very weird...Windsor has quite the edge too
  13. B

    Good Rub 'n Tugs In Windsor?...

    I'm gonna be spending some time there in the months to come...any recommendations?...thx. Baron
  14. B

    Thank God for Bono

    Bono Is A Tosser !!! And a midget, too...5 foot 2, from all reports...
  15. B

    Has Tom Cruise lost his farking mind?

    Yes, I - And I Am Sure A Large Portion Of The Western World - Thinks Ol' Tommy Boy... ...has indeed lost his fact, he is fucking whack-job if ever there was one...and not a very articulate one, at that... Baron
  16. B

    Tantric Experience

    Exceedingly Expensive... ...although I must confess the set-up/location appears to be quite ritzy, so I can undertstand, to a certain extent, the premium rate (i.e. to cover on-going costs etc.)...that said, $600 for two hours still seems rather wacky...almost a little humourous,
  17. B

    A Carribbean island stocked with model quality EE girls for only $1,000.00 per nite?

    I Saw A Bit About This Place on SexTV They are very much for real and legit. Women are (or at least, were) smoking. I'd love to take an GTA SP down with me when I you think any of them would agree to go? Baron
Toronto Escorts