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  1. H

    What's wrong with chat???

    PDF files.......sorry
  2. H

    What's wrong with chat???

    about a week or more I opened a link from this site....don't ask me by who or what........I don't really know, otherwise I would warn members. Anyway, my virus protector could not isolate it and ended up deleting the exe file it contaminated. I know it is just a matter of reloading my software...
  3. H

    PM help please

    geese that hankie.....can''t seem to pick it up.......
  4. H

    PM help please

    d can tell was fun.........glad he stepped up to the plate.........I can now get PM's........btw......I am soon to be joining the SRM Schedule..........first day is Wed. So looking forward to all my old clients and the new ones that were not able to catch me at b...........
  5. H

    PM help please

    got the is now working.......thank you D.
  6. H

    PM help please

    What was I thinking...........Heather is now dropping hankie, bending over and asking for help!!
  7. H

    PM help please

    My hotmail account keeps messaging me that I have a PM's in Terb, however Terb tells me that I have no new PM's. My PM box is not full. Maybe a moderator could help me with this. Heather
  8. H

    Idle ramblings

    Why does sex have a scent?
Toronto Escorts