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  1. B

    Crime is Racist.

    It's been this way for many, many years.
  2. B

    Andrew Tate formally charged with rape and human trafficking

    Because innocent people follow the rules. This is literally the easiest, most straight-forward bet put on a gold platter for you to take, assuming you've actually bought into your own narrative about who and what this guy is.
  3. B

    Andrew Tate formally charged with rape and human trafficking

    You said there was a warrant for his arrest. There isn't. DeSantis is just a politician trying to win favor with the public. Regardless, take the bet that he won't return to Romania. He can go anywhere in the USA. He doesn't have to stay in Florida.
  4. B

    Ukraine, Diplomacy & War

    Great read.
  5. B

    BREAKING: Zelensky ADMITS Trump Meeting Went Poorly, Still WANTS Ukraine PEACE DEAL!

    Zelensky is a delusional corrupt little Hershey squirt. The resolution has been laid before him. Sign on or shut up and work with the effeminate European "leaders" (use that term lightly).
  6. B

    Man who killed Toronto teen on subway sentenced to life in prison

    That might be true of the religious right, but certainly not everyone right of centre.
  7. B

    BREAKING: Zelensky ADMITS Trump Meeting Went Poorly, Still WANTS Ukraine PEACE DEAL!

    What did Zelensky think was going to happen? He was going to bluff his way against Trump to continue the war? lol The man lords like a dictator over an impoverished nation that's getting brutally beat down by Russia. His only life line was to suck Trump's dick which is what he's doing now...
  8. B

    Trump/Zelensky deal turns into Jerry Springer episode

    Not a chance. Putin is smarter than that. He knows not to roll in and take everything knowing what's at stake. That's literally child's play. Trump's strategy will ultimately succeed.
  9. B

    Trump/Zelensky deal turns into Jerry Springer episode

    That dunce would be writing more $100 billion cheques to Zelensky and championing the ongoing bloodshed. The kind of politician that thinks sending money everywhere solves problems, at the expense of US citizens.
  10. B

    Trump/Zelensky deal turns into Jerry Springer episode

    Get in there, boys. Help secure their "rights and freedoms"! Foreigners Can Now Join Ukraine's National Guard, Zelensky Says
  11. B

    Andrew Tate formally charged with rape and human trafficking

    Interestingly, he says that he will return to Romania per the conditions of his bail. Not the behaviour of a guilty person. He can just as easily say, fuck it, I'm back in America and free now. And Trump and MAGA had nothing to do with his release.
  12. B

    Trump/Zelensky deal turns into Jerry Springer episode

    Every man is just a trans woman when all is said and done.
  13. B

    Germany needs AfD. Period.

    Don't spend it all in one place. Rent is still due every month.
  14. B

    Germany needs AfD. Period.

    You're a little too old to play the 'I'll beat you up through the internet' game. It's uncivilized.
  15. B

    Germany needs AfD. Period.

    You should have been told as a toddler that you can't get rich working for someone else. The corner office from brown nosing your owner(boss) and the $125k salary in Toronto is not a flex. Take your frustrations out on your colleagues and landlord, not me.
  16. B

    Germany needs AfD. Period.

    Now we're back to projecting. Your therapist has a lot of work to do. In the distant future, if only by sheer luck, you accomplish anything beyond online leftist activism, you might find happiness.
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