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  1. R

    Ford passed the legislation for ripping up the bike lanes TODAY!!

    What Toronto should've done before they built condo country
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    Man who killed Toronto teen on subway sentenced to life in prison

    People forget that prison isn't just punishment. It's a safety wall for law abiding citizens.
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    Janet Jones Gretzky: Criticism of Wayne 'has broken his heart'

    I have no idea with what you say comes from. So he ignored you in Vegas. You know how much of his time he has dedicated to meeting with fans in the past 50 years. Give him a breather. And I'm not a keyboard warrior. I'm just expressing my opinion. And I've always been respectful on here to those...
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    Janet Jones Gretzky: Criticism of Wayne 'has broken his heart'

    They aren't the first since Trump took office back in 2016. So I'm sure it's public and media pressure. But it looks like they're changing their tune
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    Ford passed the legislation for ripping up the bike lanes TODAY!!

    Nah sidewalks actual get used. Walking is better exercise than cycling.
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    Janet Jones Gretzky: Criticism of Wayne 'has broken his heart'

    So ask yourself why the Superbowl champion Philadelphia Eagles declined to do the annual visitation to the White House. And they aren't the first to do so.
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    Janet Jones Gretzky: Criticism of Wayne 'has broken his heart'

    Look at all of the celebrities and athletes that socialized with Gavin Newscum at the Superbowl in LA a few years back.
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    Ford passed the legislation for ripping up the bike lanes TODAY!!

    How about add a loitering charge until the bike lanes are paid off. Based on ridership that should take about 1000 years.
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    Janet Jones Gretzky: Criticism of Wayne 'has broken his heart'

    What about actors who do the same. All Gretzsky did was take photos. He's not promoting Trump like all of these celebrities that got paid to endorse Kamala
  10. R

    Ford passed the legislation for ripping up the bike lanes TODAY!!

    And I said better to build more underground parking and not allow parking on the main roads. And kill bike lanes. See a solution for all.
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    Janet Jones Gretzky: Criticism of Wayne 'has broken his heart'

    Wayne was a talented hockey player. If it wasn't for him. The NHL wouldn't be what it is today. He wouldn't be punching a clock at the local town factory because he was too good to work there. Stop making it seem that he needs you.
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    Janet Jones Gretzky: Criticism of Wayne 'has broken his heart'

    The irony of these 2 politically. :unsure::ROFLMAO:. I guess you could say Ovi is a right winger. Although he shoots right he plays the left really well. :D
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    Janet Jones Gretzky: Criticism of Wayne 'has broken his heart'

    Wow judging me because I have an opinion that you don't agree. Gretzsky is not unpatriotic. Many famous folks support the evil Gavin Newscum. Why don't you criticize them instead. Why is all about TDS? I could care less about Trump.
  14. R

    Ford passed the legislation for ripping up the bike lanes TODAY!!

    No you said why do we need parking. Once again no solution. Just complain about a problem.
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    Ford passed the legislation for ripping up the bike lanes TODAY!!

    FF is a fool with no solutions. I think the best option for parking would be to build more underground pay parking and not allow parking on the roads at all times of the day. Not just the busy hours.
  16. R

    Man who killed Toronto teen on subway sentenced to life in prison

    No a joke is funny. Our justice system isn't. It's pathetic.
  17. R

    Janet Jones Gretzky: Criticism of Wayne 'has broken his heart'

    So then why is prostitution illegal under our liberal government.
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    Janet Jones Gretzky: Criticism of Wayne 'has broken his heart'

    Sure you did and sure he is.
  19. R

    Janet Jones Gretzky: Criticism of Wayne 'has broken his heart'

    Gretzky made most if not all of his millions in the United States. He can support whoever he wants to politically. Just because you don't agree with it does not make him a bad person. A piece of shit like Howard Stern owe all of his $700 million dollar fortune to the right of free speech and now...
  20. R

    Andrew Tate formally charged with rape and human trafficking

    Last I checked it's liberals that are oppose to it.
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