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Toronto Escorts

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  1. E

    Cherry Kisses in Bellevegas sad....possibly an indication of escorts you have seen in Toronto and Ottawa and reviews of them may assist us in finding you more believable.
  2. E

    YIPEE, kids are back at school

    My last just left for college,part time..Apprentiship.. four of them in their 20's now almost all gone..need some of that ritalin myself I think.LOL
  3. E

    YIPEE, kids are back at school

    It is just so peaceful outside. I guess this means that winter is coming fast; but it still feels like summer weather. I am going to enjoy the rest of the week and take the time to see my favorite SP.
  4. E

    First Toronto 'pedestrian scramble' begins today at Yonge & Dundas
  5. E

    First Toronto 'pedestrian scramble' begins today at Yonge & Dundas

    Toronto caching up with other parts of the world, 'BOUT TIME:D
  6. E

    Trying to find a song
  7. E

    On Hitting 10,000 Posts

    10,000 posts... Time to look at the thread and then post....10 mins per post. 100,000 minutes= approx 6 weeks of posting. 6 weeks of posting includes sleep and eating and other "things" which probably takes up at least half of that time.. Therefore double that time..Now 12 weeks of life...
  8. E

    Cant seem to choose

    Need more details of what you are looking for.. Age Ethnic background Possible services Budget You see what I mean!
  9. E

    Recommendations for a photographer

    Prob KBear, would be your best bet. He does many of the agency girls in Toronto. I believe his company is GTA Girls
  10. E

    Which online directories do most clients refer to these days when searching escorts?

    I believe because it is West coast based and oriented. My personal choice is EROS because I prefer to spend over $300 per hour on escorts and they seem to have the cream of the crop.
  11. E

    Speeding ticket in the US......

    Check to see if that state has a reciprocal agreement with Ontario, most do. If so then a conviction there shows as points here and all the ramifications that entails.
  12. E

    Canadian Idol?

    I had no idea that Canada had an Idol show..Wow..
  13. E

    Cro-Magnons and Neanderthals did not have sex

    Cro-magnons have less than 10,000 posts Neanderthals have over 15,000 posts
  14. E

    Interview Gone Wrong

    Mid 90's see any veh newer than 94-95:D
  15. E

    Rent or Own your water heater?

    This one of the great scams of modern times.......I do believe that my rental has cost me "one billion dollars" to date;) I did have someone in to fix mine a few weeks ago..mmmmmmmmmmm first call in 30 plus years
  16. E

    Rolling Stone Ron Wood runs off with 18 yr. old waitress

    I must be old I still think of Ron Wood as a Small Face!!!!!!!!:D
  17. E

    what do you shave down there with?

    I save my used razors and use them. It takes maybe 10 or more razors at one prunning but being dull they never seem to cut. I find women just do not like flossing with my curlies:D Erectus
  18. E

    US Media today is insane

    The issue is though, that the story just went on and on and on. Every time I went to CNN it was running ad nauseam. Even when it initially started I thought to myself that either her fiance had bumped her off or she had run away. I guess now she will write a book and do the talk show...
  19. E

    American Idol Rocker Dude

    Yes waiting for those two next!!!!!!!!! Rocker Dude was obviously the fav tonight.....
Toronto Escorts