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  1. B

    St. Anne’s Anglican Church burns down in minutes. How does this happen?

    I posted the link that you did in post #9, replying to you. i.e., you just posted my link back at me. The neighbourhood may have been evauated as a precaution, but there was very threat to the neighbourhood. All of the buildings in close proximity are masonry/brick, so non-combustible...
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    St. Anne’s Anglican Church burns down in minutes. How does this happen?

    No sprinklers @ Notre Dame. The trouble with historic buildings is that they're not designed for sprinklers. If you install heads in a way that meet code (which you have to), you end up with bright red pipes...
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    St. Anne’s Anglican Church burns down in minutes. How does this happen?

    Oh boy, the Facebook Mafia is out early. Churches are maintained by the parish, and generally don't have a lot of cash on hand. Repairs and maintenance are performed by well meaning church members generally, and decisions on spending are made by board members who are pious, but not technical...
  4. B

    New Capital Gains Tax Is Life Savings Confiscation

    ugh, this is such a stupid take. Remember: This is a change to how income is calculated, not a rate increase. For it to affect you, the stuff you own has to increase more than 250,000 in a year, and you have to sell it. It doesn't affect you if your income is 250,000, which, statistically it...
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    DoFo - worst Premier in Ontario history, today's scandal the LCBO

    Pensions aren't taxpayer funded. They're funded from employee contributions. Yes, you can split hairs on the fact that the contributions come originally from taxpayer money, but once the cash is in the pension fund, there aren't' taxpayer contributions to top it up.
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    DoFo - worst Premier in Ontario history, today's scandal the LCBO

    Because billionaire dick tastes better than normal dick, and if you cup the balls just right, maybe Galen Weston will trickle down some of that sweet sweet economic goodness.
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    DoFo - worst Premier in Ontario history, today's scandal the LCBO

    In this case, how are you held hostage by them? You have the freedom to brew your own booze, or not drink it at all. OR to drive to Quebec or New York and pay lower prices.
  8. B

    DoFo - worst Premier in Ontario history, today's scandal the LCBO

    No, but why should anyone exchange a significant portion of their life for an amount of money that doesn't provide them food, shelter, and savings? Don't be mad that labour has organized. Get organized yourself.
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    DoFo - worst Premier in Ontario history, today's scandal the LCBO

    Yeah! How dare a labourer get paid! That's just less money for the bourgeois. It's not the Oligarch's fault that some people are born poor! Dude, if you want to lick boots, find a Dom.
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    DoFo - worst Premier in Ontario history, today's scandal the LCBO

    We've already forgotten 230 Million to cancel green energy contracts (i.e, pay an extra 230 million to private interests to prevent Ontarians from getting a service). The purpose of the state used to be to protect the proletariat from the capitalists. Neoliberalism started to erase that...
  11. B

    Is Justin Trudeau The Son Of Fidel Castro? Jordan Peterson Reacts

    No, what I'm saying is that Mr. Jordan Bordan Peterson was not taking anxiety medication for actual anxiety. I'm saying he was taking it recreationally. Yes, I am suggesting that he is lying. I am basing this suggestion on the fact that pretty much everything he's ever said publicly is a lie...
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    Is Justin Trudeau The Son Of Fidel Castro? Jordan Peterson Reacts

    Also from the article: " His family says he had been taking the drug for years to mitigate lingering anxiety following a severe autoimmune reaction to food. His dependence reportedly started last spring after doctors increased his dosage to help him cope with stress as his wife Tammy battled...
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    Is Justin Trudeau The Son Of Fidel Castro? Jordan Peterson Reacts

    Facts over feelings kitten: Jordan Peterson's family says he has sought "emergency" drug detox treatment in Russia, after several failed attempts to overcome his dependence on a potent anti-anxiety medication. <-- IS A...
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    Is Justin Trudeau The Son Of Fidel Castro? Jordan Peterson Reacts

    Jordan Peterson is a junkie with brain damage. Y'all should stop encouraging him. It's kinda creepy.
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    R.I.P Toby Keith

    Looks like God put a boot (of cancer) in his ass (that then travelled to his stomach). It's not a good joke, but neither was he.
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    tylor swift

    I've said it before: I don't find her super hot, but she's not ugly. And seeing that she's somewhere near a billionaire, there is no limit to the amount of shit I'd put up with to have access to that lifestyle.
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    Niagara Social Engagement

    How was the place for cleanliness, etc? The reviews are all over the place, everything from bedbugs/whatever infestation to yours saying it was o.k. Were there showers in the rooms? Was pricing decided before hand and stuck to, or did you get hit for an upcharge after the fact?
  18. B

    More Woke Nonsense

    I feel bad that I gave rebel a click, but dude called 911 over this!?! Dude needs to be fined. ... And I found the girl's quote: Idiot asks if the girls have any trouble with a Mature Male swimming with the girls. "Melody? No. She goes in our changeroom, I see her in the morning" That's it...
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    More Woke Nonsense

    How do you know this? Has there been a police complaint? Have you, or this weird dude from Rebel Media gone in and assessed the layout of the showers? To my mind, a woman showering with 8 year old girls is also not o.k., nor is a man showering with 8 year old boys.
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