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  1. L

    Nerissa: no show

    In terms of what she was willing to do, I'd be very surprised if she said, "No," before you did. I certainly couldn't think of anything that was not on the menu. This includes any form of bodily output you can think of (though she's careful about fluid exchange. I had gloves). I had no...
  2. L

    Nerissa: no show

    Despite getting stood up, I called again one day and saw her. I've posted elsewhere on this topic, too, but I think the basic fact is that Nerissa is a freak. She'll do anything, as far as I can tell. She does seem quite disorganized to me, and I think she's genuinely overwhelmed by some of...
  3. L

    Nerissa: no show

    I set up an appointment with Nerissa (in London -- 5473 -- there's an advert for her on Another Site, but it is apparently to disappear soon; also, a regular CL presence) recently. Given the various soap-opera dramas she seems to endure, I attempted to put her at ease when setting up. She said...
  4. L

    on health, gossip, and ethics

    One of the people around these parts (who shall remain nameless but who is, I must say, nice and really hot in person) has a picture on her site in common with the picture attached to a profile on another site. That other site is a fantasy-fiction site. Having met the woman in question, and...
  5. L

    Anna Parone - a review

    Everyone's a comedian What do you expect of a goddess?
Toronto Escorts