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  1. S

    Heated Oval Office Meeting Even Included A Threat of Implementing Martial Law to Overturn The Elections

    I don't think the military would cooperate. Even if they did initially cooperate, the Supreme court would intervene, at which point, I think that the military cooperation would end. The US constitution is pretty clear that it is states that chose the method of selecting electors. There would...
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    Super Tuesday

    I was very surprised at how little Biden was reported to have spent in some of the states he won.
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    'My Parkdale is gone': how gentrification reached the one place that seemed immune

    Those pictures bring back memories. I spent some of my formative years growing up in Parkdale. If you knew how to look after yourself, you were fine. I remember one night a street hooker approached me in Parkdale. I ignored her as the street hookers in Parkdale were pretty bad. Anyway, she...
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    Don Jr gets Triggered and walks out his book launch, heckled by supporters

    Very true. In addition, they (especially lower quality universities) are now engaged in immigration scams. Many of the students I teach are not interested in the programs they are in but are in the programs because they believe it will help them get through Canadian immigration. The...
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    How long do you think the Liberal minority government will last?

    At any one time, they only need one of three opposition parties to support them. The NDP cannot afford and election. The Bloc will never form government and just recovered from greatly reduced support. Thus, they to have little reason to support an election. The few things those two might...
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    Someone is Trying to impersonate me

    I am not! :biggrin:
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    Photo: Gerald Butts Meets With Upcoming Debate Moderator

    I have been surprised that this has not been reported in the mainstream media. If there was nothing wrong with the meeting, I would think that they would want to state that. If the meeting was what it smells like, I would also think that the media would want to report on it.
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    Hobbying in the States and London Vs. Toronto

    I have not hobbied in London but I have in other British cities (e.g Birmingham, Stoke, etc). What I like is that with the brothels you can go in, see the different girls and get some choice. Generally, I found that what they post is not that different than what you see when you come in. Not...
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    Tonight’s debate

    I am more curious about the other debate tonight. I'm mainly watching it to see what the dynamics will be like with a key leader absent. I expect it will be strange. As far as the American debate is concerned, I think the fact that the outcome is very likely to be as you describe reduces the...
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    Media bus runs into Liberals plane clipping his wing

    Ironically, it hit the left wing of the plane on the left cost of Canada. An omen? Lol.
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    Dunning-Kruger effect

    This is something I see all the time. Whenever, I teach first year economics, I start with stuff on how to do well in the course (it has a high failure rate). I finish my advice with the Dunning-Kruger and tell them that the ones least likely to think they need my advice are the most likely to...
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    Cashing gold bars

    I few years ago, I sold mine at the CIBC (basement) at Bay and King. That is also were I had bought it many years before.
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    Justin Trudeau Voted AGAINST Saying ISIS Committed Genocide, Now He Accuses Canadians

    Things seem to have changed since your source was published. "Following Monday’s formal presentation of the report, Trudeau has faced questions about the inquiry’s use of the term “genocide” and whether his government agrees with it, to which he replied that he accepts the findings of the...
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    Book Reading Thread!

    Currently, I'm reading Hitler's Banker: Hjalmar Horace Greeley Schacht I'm up to WW1. So far it is fairly good but I think it would be better if the author had a better background in economics.,204,203,200_.jpg
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    Book Reading Thread!

    Although I don't agree with everything in the book, he does make a very strong case for education primarily being a signal. I would recommend the book.
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    Uber and Lyft drivers' median hourly wage is just $3.37, report finds

    It seems that there may be some problems with this study:
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    Wilfrid Laurier University full recording

    Unfortunately, it is not being toppled in academia. I work in a university and I was amazed at the number of emails on the internal listserv defending the attacks on Lindsay Shepherd (while at the same time, claiming they were not against free speech). University administrators are sensitive...
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    I don't think it has much to do with Ontario's lower minimum wage for all servers. In BC, we have the same minimum wage (except for places that serve liquor) and tipping is still expected even in places that do not serve liquor (e.g breakfast and lunch places). It is a custom that for some...
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    Is school a waste of time?

    It is not so much what you learn but whether you learn how to learn. I think this is why those in harder major often end up earning more than those in easier majors that supposedly are more job-oriented. Payscale does a survey every year of earnings by those with only an undergraduate degree...
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