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  1. M

    should i dump him?

    Where exactly do you stand in this relationship at the present time? Do you see a future? Bonnie
  2. M

    Jokes....tell your own...keep them clean..

    He Said/She Said He said . . .. I don't know why you wear a bra; you've got nothing to put in it. She said .. . You wear pants don't you? He said .. . .Shall we try swapping positions tonight? She said . . That's a...
  3. M

    USA HEADLINES from the Year 2040...

    57) Opra Winfrey buys her own galaxy, but still can't find anybody who wants to have sex with her. Bonnie
  4. M

    WARNING: This won't be my last silly question

    Other signs of notoriety.... Sign at a muffler shop: "No muff too tough for us!" Sign on an asphalt truck: "Let us fill your crack!" Bon
  5. M

    WARNING: This won't be my last silly question

    Maybe I'm surfing this board too much, or I've become a total perv. What does everybody read when they see this sign?? Bonnie
  6. M

    Can IP Address be traced?

    You're not going to email Michael Jackson and tell him he sucks, are you?? A guy in the Waterloo Region did, and is now up on charges. Bonnie
  7. M

    What trait is most important in a partner?

    Some one who unconditionally excepts you for who you are. Be it if you are a hobbyist or someone in the industry. Bonnie
  8. M


    Ohmygawwwwd!! Where does the leg humping line start? Bonnie
  9. M

    Bonnie @Doll House

    Cinema Face! Was wondering how you are doing. Haven't seen you for a bit. We definately have some catching up to do. Bonnie
  10. M

    Bonnie @Doll House

    Mack, would you really want to go to a private room with someone wearing that? LOL Duuno, Calloway would be correct. The Dollhouse is in Kitchener. Misty, always good hearing you chime in. Hope you are feeling well. And trust me, Mr MoJo's nose didn't grow.... Bonnie
  11. M

    Bonnie @Doll House

    Re: Ms. Kiss I agree....know any? J/K You're a good sport. Hope to meet you sometime. Bonnie
  12. M

    Bonnie @Doll House

    You're right. Why stop there? Bonnie
  13. M

    Bonnie @Doll House

    To let a secret out, Doc, (owner) has a secret passion of being a master chef. And when he gets in the kitchen he takes pride in cooking up a storm. Unbelievable chow. According to Eva, there is usually a minimum of 6 guys waiting for the doors to open at 11 am, for their fix of steak and...
  14. M

    Bonnie @Doll House

    Re: hey bonnie I duuno.... Bon
  15. M

    Bonnie @Doll House

    Title's got a nice ring to it. Instead of that "M" word. Mack, it was fabulous meeting you. The pleasure was all mine. You naughty boy you!! Thank you for the compliments, hope you enjoyed yourself and the rest of your trip went well. Love, laughs and licks, Bonnie
  16. M

    Doll House

    Actually, it was a secret message for Alkida to strike. Now if you'll excuse me, there are some guys in suits knocking at my door.... Bonnie P.S. Hi Roger.
  17. M

    Any Hummer fans out there??

    I never thought I would say this....after seeing these monsters, I'm learning how to appreciate this: Bonnie
  18. M

    Dan Rather in trouble

    This is only going to increase Bush's popularity in the long run. Bonnie
  19. M

    Any Hummer fans out there?? Ha, we laugh at the little girlie man truck! Bonnie
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