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  1. N

    Jenn Angel Photo Shoot

    I may have a biased opinion, but........ I think your pics came out very good Paul...she is especially fond of the one she uses on her redzone site, as the feature pic. She is looking forward to scheduling the next shoot with you...NAC
  2. N

    Arose by any other name

    as far as squares....... ........I preferred Paul Lynde to block........LOL.........
  3. N

    Celebrity Death Pool 2003

    my 10 names, in no particular order.... 1) Jason Preistley, 2) Willie Mays, 3) Bobby Brown, aka, Mr. Whitney Houston, 4) Ralph Wilson (Buffalo Bills owner), 5) Gerald Ford, 6) Ed McMahon, 7) Dick Clark (no, he and McMahon won't go together), 8) Johnny Carson (what the hell, is McMahon a bad...
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    I had a blast......... count me in whenever you decide...........
  5. N

    I Cant Chat

    HELP...I can't chat either...... I sent you an email Fred, about the same problem...could you get back to me please....thanks, "The Nacster"
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    Holiday Greetings Thread

    I prefer Happy Holidays myself... Since I have worked in the restaurant business for 14 years, I have had it drilled into me (especially from Jewish co-workers), to say "Have a Happy Holiday" as a parting comment to all my patrons...therefore, I wish all of you posters Happy Holidays!!...and...
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    Ashamed to be a TERBite!

    I believe Jenn is on right now..... And since we are on at the same time, I guess we ARE two different people. Like I said, I will be attending the TERB party so you all can flame me in person. As for my review, I dug up a thread with all other reviews about Jenn on it...I guess I echo their...
  8. N

    One way ticket to the country of your choice, jenn

    there is a "demon site"??? Wow, you Canadian hobbyists/SP's DO take your entertainment strongly..."The Nacster"
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