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    Investment/portfolio advice

    I would be very careful with using investment advisers. Really good advisers, if you can even find one, are very expensive. And the rest will usually take care of their interests first before taking care of yours. With all the investment tools out there today, you don't really need an adviser...
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    Investment/portfolio advice

    My advice is to use ETFs (if you are not familiar with what they are, google it); and use a passive investment strategy -ie; instead of trying to pick winners. I have learned that trying to pick stocks or buying mutual funds are poor investment strategies.
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    Another Logic Question

    Miss Croft: Are you posing all these questions to gauge the average IQ of the Terbite population? Which is a questionable motivation in and of itself. Or are you just killing time?
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    Another One!

    There is no need to speculate on this question because we have actual data - just look at China! Some of you will say, it's not the same, yes I know, but I claim that the end results will be very similar. So as of 2002, the Sex ratios (in China) are estimated as follows: - at birth: 1.09...
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    Used real phone to call Mirage. How screwed am I?

    A friend of my uses a Burner phone and told me that one of the SPs could tell it was a computer generated # and replied that they need a valid phone #. So that makes me wonder if a Burner is as good a a actual cell phone, before I try it. Has anyone had a similar experience? How can you tell a...
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    Q & A with Valeria Beleza

    Don't know if you are still answering this thread; if you are, here are a few questions: 1) All most all SPs, in my experience are cleaning shaven / bald; what % of the guys, in your experience, trim or shave their privates? 2) Roughly, what % of your clients have been under 30 yr old, over 40...
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    When Is It OK to Walk Away?

    I have found that the SPs usually ask for the $ upfront, so I am not sure how one can get any $ back after you've paid. You may be one of the few who may offer this opportunity to your clients, but I am not sure if most of the SPs would be as generous.
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    When Is It OK to Walk Away?

    Thanks for all your feedback so far; they have been helpful for me to formulate a better understanding of what perspective may be fair to both the SP and the Client. I would summaries the feedback so far thus: For those SPs who were not totally honest in their ads -eg: pics, age, B&S, or if...
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    When Is It OK to Walk Away?

    JanHammer; I don't think that comment was directed at your post. There was another post before yours that has been removed; by the Admin, I assume.
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    When Is It OK to Walk Away?

    During a phone call with the well-known Miss Taylor at Mirage, over an earlier incident, she asked me this question and caught me a bit off guard. She asked "why didn't you just walk away?". My initial reaction was, that option didn't occur to me. Thinking about why it hadn't occurred to me...
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    what is consider successful in life?

    Some people would consider finding their true passion (something that you would love to do and would eagerly get out of bed every morning just so you can get at it), being able to happily pursue their passion as a job (and get paid well for it - a bonus) to be one definition of success. This...
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