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  1. S

    Coast Guard Officer Accused of Racist Mass-Murder Plot, Kept ‘Hit List’ of Democrats

    Yes racist hate crimes are terrible, Just like the most recent one in America were a racist black Democrat terrorist shot dead six of his white coworkers in cold blood while mysteriously managing to not hit a single other black person. And also the one on the Danforth where the Islamic...
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    Video shows boys in MAGAhats mocking elderly Indigenous protester at Washington rally

    This article is the biggest own goal by a left wing retard that I’ve seen. The only real racism and hate I see in this video is from the black supremacist trash screaming and picking on little white kids just for standing there and being white. That sadly is what liberals have become these days.
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    Most Of America’s Terrorists Are White, And Not Muslim

    All rapists in India are brown, and all car thieves in China are Asian.
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    Pakistani Gang of 20 Jailed for Raping Vulnerable Girls

    We all know Ogre loves this kind of stuff and fully supports mass murder and mass gang rape against Europeans, worshiping and kissing the feet of the ones who commit these disgusting crimes.
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    Pakistani Gang of 20 Jailed for Raping Vulnerable Girls

    OK if we want to get technical here, It’s violent brown racists united by their shared skin colour targeting 12 year old white girls for torture and rape.
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    UK: Muslim hater rams car into crowd outside mosque

    Well it sure makes a change from the white hating Muslims finding a group of whites to run over with their trucks, or stab, or shoot, or some white teenage girls to prey on, gang rape, and pimp out to the other white hating Muslims. Because it's usually 99% that way, even in a white majority...
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    All things football 2018 - 19

    It's because of DAZN. I see no other option, we have to sign up for the $149 annual fee.
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    All things football 2018 - 19

    Why are there ZERO Champions league games on either TSN or sportsnet today??? There's so many good games but I have to stream from this laggy site. This is BS
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    Conservative MP Maxime Bernier: Ethnic and Sexual Diversity is ‘Destroying’ Canada

    White people living amongst each other in peace is unacceptable to racist white hating liberals. They need to be stamped out wherever they remain on this earth.
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    Size matters: Measuring dick around the world.

    Czech Republic and Hungary on the green big dick list, who knew. No wonder they're not willingly giving their Countries away to the third world invasion like some of their small dick European libtard counterparts.
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    Merkel admits live on television that Germany has 'no-go areas'

    Except sharing similar demographics. People from sh*thole countries creating sh*thole zones in developed countries, steadily turning them into sh*thole countries as well.
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    South African president wants to seize land from white farmers without compensation

    Well this is also a lesson to the naive and self hating white liberals of what will happen to your descendants if youre too nice and give away political power to people who are the real racists and have nothing but hate and comtempt in their hearts for you. One of the big preconditions of...
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    South African president wants to seize land from white farmers without compensation

    Dammand sounds like he belongs with the murderous black supremacist farm attackers raping and torturing entire white families for hours on end before murdering them by pouring boiling hot water down their throats. Then afterwards dancing around the camp fire chanting "Kill the Boer, Kill the...
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    Are the Olympics on its last legs?

    Also what's with all this Hijab and transexual left wing propaganda on every commercial. Every commercial is about the Hijab girl or gay / trans ballerina guy getting bullied and beaten up by the mean straight white people.
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    Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un booted out of Olympics opening ceremony

    Trump, Kim Jong Un impersonators tossed from Olympics opening ceremony Kathleen Joyce5 hours ago Kim Jong Un and President Trump impersonators were booted from the Olympic Games' opening ceremony. Kim Jong Un and President Trump impersonators were booted from the Olympic Games' opening...
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    Italian politician pledges to kick out half a million illegal migrants if elected

    Berlusconi has outbid him and now wants to kick out 600,000 migrants. Do I hear 700,000, 800,000, the gentlemen on the left, All of them, going once going twice gone!
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