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  1. T

    Dont want my midtown T.O. condo assignment anymore, what to do? Helpful advice please

    get offers from agents to find you an assignee. offer meaning how much cash commission the agent will get from you after a deal is done (not on mls or through brokerage). stay on the qt about the actual building unit until you find an agent that you like, can trust and provides you with recent...
  2. T

    Ayaan Hirsi Ali vs Emma Watson

    Ok so this isn't just about "liberal media" for you. I don't know where to go though with your dislike of Emma Watson. Whether she is the best UN spokesperson on anything is debatable. She does speak from a position of extreme fortune which makes anything she says seem a bit rich. But I...
  3. T

    Ayaan Hirsi Ali vs Emma Watson

    "][/URL] Why the hate CM ?
  4. T

    Ladies, who are your girl crushes?

    That will be an expensive TDL :) I am happy to contribute if the arrangements are made. I am selfless like that.
  5. T

    SP and friendship

    If you can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen. This sounds like it's working for both of you on the surface but a little f'd up below the surface. You are getting a genuine friendship, plenty of her free time and some good sex for a bargain price. She is getting a genuine friend who...
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    What would you do if you walked into a room alone and saw this?

    seriously ? do the math. personally i would put on Barry White, whisper a few sweet nothings and start just left of centre.
  7. T

    Sex/masturbating before and after working out?

    I haven't yet formed an opinion. I propose an intensive study. I will come to the locker room. Is 30 s of jumping jacks OK for the workout part ? Allows for plenty of trials.
  8. T

    i'm steaming fucking mad

    What Luv I believe is saying is if you are going to greek me at least wine, dine, ask for consent and then lube me up first. There was logic in her reaction not excess drama. All of you landlords who have this arrogant attitude about people's SIN number need to realize that at some point in...
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    E-Condos - Yonge and Eglinton - ADVICE PLEASE

    If you invest in real estate you concern yourself first with cashflow. Will you be able to rent these units out at a rate that is cashflow positive (after all carrying and finance costs) and provides a decent rate of return against your invested capital ? Then all of the other scary questions...
  10. T

    Real Estate

    If you plan to live in the house (even for a year) you are not really investing in real estate. Capital appreciation is a mug's game - OK to hope for but not the deciding factor. If a property isn't cashflow positive from day one at a risk adjusted rate of return then don't buy it...
  11. T

    Has anyone ever been to physio for a hip problem?

    I know a good physio too (pm me for web link if you want it). But it does take time. I am not sure ultrasound or electric stimulation work but what the heck. I had a knee injury that took two years to heal on it's own after I bailed on physio and a shoulder injury that took a year with almost...
  12. T

    Saturday's Sunshine Girl

    Oh yeah for sure. The first thing they do after they fuck the Sun photographer is come on TERB to see what our reaction to their photos is. This particular girl is probably frantic trying to track you down "In a house somewhere". They are all super horny and totally interested in dudes who...
  13. T

    Is there any good erotic fiction out there?

    Classic. Now I just have to decide if I have the cojones to circulate it to my wife's friends.
  14. T

    What's on their minds

    "I'll finish the gold macrame on your bikini later, after the Cher concert."
  15. T

    Is there anything I can do legally to avoid paying my OSAP loans?

    Whenever someone titles a document "....The Facts..." I know not to read it. Same with "....The Truth...". A more rational argument can be made with a less assertive title and intelligent people might pay attention. Carry on comrade. Or "dunt".
  16. T

    sexy librarian

    You are probably right. To be honest the point was my googleation got me quickly to pics. I did not do any quality control. For the good stuff I suggest you talk to homer or send me a lot of cash.
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    sexy librarian too lazy to embed it.
  18. T

    Hottest chick in a most unlikely role movie category

    The base price of lobster in Newfoundland in 2012 is $3.25. See how I took what you said and added something totally irrelevant to the point being made. The actress I suggested is Uma Thurman and she appeared in the movie Dangerous Liaisons. You could build on that and say maybe that you...
  19. T

    Having a problem

    Exactly. I think the real problem is the spread between the wish list and the pocket book. Best of luck though.
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