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    Memory Lane

    I was fairly new to the game, had been to is and delta a few times, had fun, but only got hj’s… then I saw Catherin at geo… I never asked for anything, nor did she… started the rub down and teasing, asked to flip, she stood near my head rubbing my chest and took my hand and inserted my fingers...
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    Hey gang, anyone have any info on camrielle? She posts on leolist for massage out of a private residence near the red hill. Picks look great, would just like to know if anyone has any input. Thanks, and sorry can’t post a link right now, but she did post earlier today.
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    Child support 50/50 custody question? Please help!!!

    Be wary ! Just because the %40 threshold has been broken doesn’t mean support would change. In my case, I had the kids about %47 of the time. I asked my lawyer if I should get a reduction in support because of this. He said you might, but, it’s up to the judge that makes the order. The judge may...
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    Another Ripple In The World Of Porn

    Just checked out both gals for the first time. While both are incredibly hot, if they were standing in front of me, and I had to make a choice, Lana would be the lucky one !
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    I finally took the plunge and saw Diana.

    How different is she form her picks? Is she just older? Heavier? Etc... I love tall women and her pics always intrigued e, but never saw any reviews. Any extra info would be greatly appreciated! Thanks
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    Your Most Taboo Fuck

    Had some great experiences with a neighbor, who was good friends with my then wife. We always had fun together, and had that sexual innuendo/tension thing going on. One night after wifey went to bed, we made out and groped for what seemed like forever, but that was it. Spoke with her a couple...
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    America Unearthed is total crap

    That's the point of the show, is to make you think it may have been possible ! The 12th century really wasn't that long ago, and it is proven that Europeans were in North America as early as year 1000. I don't find the example your citing here as being all that unreasonable
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    21 Ford

    Perhaps some more info would help!! I personally, don't have an idea what you're talking about!!
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    New Miss Helsinki

    I agree, imo there are several hotter chicks in that picture to choose from!
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    Comwave or others

    I have ooma. Initial cost was about $100 if I recall correctly, plus 40 to port my old home phone number, but they throw in the premier service for a few months for free if you port. Now my monthly bill is $4.95, includes voice mail, caller id, cross Canada long distance, plus a couple other...
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    Nurses, Physicians and Parents React To Documentary VAXXED

    This is directed by the so called "dr" Andrew Wakefield , who created the whole vaccines cause autism bullshit and had he license to practice medicine stripped!
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    Sunshine List

    I'm sure you will feel different when your house is on fire and your family is trapped inside! And most of you are quite misinformed.... FFs can't retire at 45 with full pension, you need 30 years or reach an 85 factor to retire without penalty. Firefighters put a large amount from each pay...
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    Singer Axl Rose to join AC/DC "Rock or Bust" world tour

    Have you seen the who in their last few tours? Granted ima huge who fan, but roger and Pete still put on a hell of a show! And they have a ridiculous number of hits to play I'll be at the show Wednesday, anyone else?
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    What tv shows are you watching

    Please explain! What risks are u talking about? Hacking into your computer? I have an android box with kodi, so it's not hooked up to any computer, are there risks involved there?
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    Scarlett at exotica

    Has anyone had any experience with this gal? They have one pic posted of her on their BP ad they always run... Long red hair, pic looks great! Every time I am available to visit, she's not working. I have called and she was there, but alas, my schedule didn't work! Any info would be...
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    Smoking - time for the endgame?

    Let's ban all fast food joints. Obesity is causing more health concerns than smoking.
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    Who was your 2015 best repeat?

    Miss ivy has retired? That's a crying shame!
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    Awful smells coming through condo door

    I'm a firefighter and have come across many dead bodies in various stages of decay. Trust me, if it was someone who passed away and was decomposing, it would be an odor you wouldn't forget! This past summer we were called to a multi story building to investigate an odor. A tenant had passed...
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    Whats the best spa in hamilton?

    I have heard that Kelly is indeed gone...... Crying shame!
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    Red hot redheads!

    Excellent work mr gecko
Toronto Escorts