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  1. TGirl Nikki

    Thanks hun, been travelling a lot lately but it's nice to be enjoying some great weather for a...

    Thanks hun, been travelling a lot lately but it's nice to be enjoying some great weather for a change - and it's definitely bringing a BIG smile to my face! Hope things are going well for you too. :)
  2. TGirl Nikki

    Tgirl Nikki - in Toronto this week

    Hey guys, seems I missed out on some lovely weather last week! I was in Halifax enjoying winter's last gasp, as an unexpected snowstorm blew through the area, so I got to listen to all my friends bragging about having drinks on the patio, while I was trying not to get blown away by the wind and...
  3. TGirl Nikki

    Visiting London March 27 & 28

    Hey guys, I had to cancel my last visit to London due to circumstances beyond my control, but I'll be making a return visit next week, on March 27 & 28. Send me an email if you'd like to set something up! :)
  4. TGirl Nikki

    Police: Mom slashed 5-year-old son's throat(say he has demons)

    I believe that would be paranoid schizophrenia... belief in "demon possession," as well as other delusions with heavy religious overtones, are quite common amongst religiously-inclined people who are afflicted by it. Sometimes it's a belief that one is the Second Coming of Christ, or that a...
  5. TGirl Nikki

    Two days in London, March 6 & 7

    Hey guys, I have to be in London next week for a reseach project I'm working on, and I figured, since I'm going there anyways, why not make some time for all my friends who can't make the trip to Toronto? I'll be arriving around 12pm on Tuesday, March 6, and heading home on Wednesday, March 7...
  6. TGirl Nikki

    Available this week in Toronto

    Hey guys, I don't post on here too often anymore, but I'm available for the rest of this week before I head to Calgary on the 20th. I'm ramping up my travels over the next couple of months, before I start my longer tour of the prairies and the west coast in May or June - if you'd like to see me...
  7. TGirl Nikki

    Last day at Bay & Bloor, moving to Spadina & Front tomorrow!

    Well, like all good things, my tenancy at my Bay & Bloor location is coming to an end... I decided it was time to move a little closer to the lake, and the highway in particular, so tomorrow I'll be moving my incall to a nice location just north of the Gardiner Expressway. I'm sure my clients...
  8. TGirl Nikki

    The need for a change in Canada's sex work laws

    There's very little I can reveal publicly at this time, but I can say a few things: - This case is definitely going to the Supreme Court, no question about it. The five OCA justices who heard the appeal are currently writing their decision (I'm not sure who's the lead author in this one) and...
  9. TGirl Nikki

    Pretty Pedicure Pics on my website!

    Hey guys, I just put up a blog post with a sample from my upcoming "Pretty Pedicure Pics", which I'll be adding to my gallery at the end of the week. HOWEVER, if you'd like to see them, please DO NOT click the link in my signature; instead, please manually write my address into a separate tab...
  10. TGirl Nikki

    Harper social conservative agenda rears its head - moves against same sex marriage

    I know everyone is up in arms about this, but it's really being blown out of proportion. One of my friends/colleagues/former profs, Brenda Cossman from U of T Law, explains this in a way that sheds light on what's really going on here. Check it out and judge for yourself...
  11. TGirl Nikki

    Now available Friday evenings and Saturday mornings

    Hey guys, I'm happy to announce that the new year brought some new flexibility in my schedule, and I'm now able to see guys on Friday evenings and Saturday mornings. In the past, I was never able to arrange weekend appointments, but things have changed a bit - so, for all you guys that just...
  12. TGirl Nikki

    Why do some sp's prefer not to see certain races?

    This is true, HOF paid me a visit a couple of years ago... and you've reminded him (and the rest of us) of that fact many times. He even had the guts to post a review, which I appreciated, since it meant that he had to put up with a lot of nasty names, and he received a lot of unfair criticism...
  13. TGirl Nikki

    Why do some sp's prefer not to see certain races?

    I think there's a bit of a disconnect here between "race" and "culture." One's ethnic or racial background is never an issue for me; I don't care so much about your ancestors as I do about you, and as long as you treat me with respect, that's all I really care about. I would be quite the...
  14. TGirl Nikki

    Welcome to 2012!

    Hey guys, hope it's been a Happy New Year so far for all of you, I enjoyed a little bit of downtime over the holidays but I'm glad to be back in the groove. Lots of good things on the horizon for 2012, and it's looking to be a great year already! :-) So what were your resolutions for this year...
  15. TGirl Nikki

    Visiting Ottawa December 7-9!

    Just a quick reminder that I'll be in town from Wednesday afternoon until Friday evening, I'm almost out of availability but I do have some free time in the afternoons - let me know if you'd like to set something up. ;)
  16. TGirl Nikki

    Rainy Fridays are the worst, why not let me brighten your day? :-)

    Nobody wants to end their week like this, with grey, rainy skies... why not take some time today, and try something new that's sure to pick up your spirits? I'm available for most of the day, so drop me a line if you'd like to stop by! :)
  17. TGirl Nikki

    Visiting Ottawa December 7-9!

    Hey guys, I've decided to make one more visit to Ottawa this year, just a lil' quickie from December 7-9. Since it's a short visit, I'm mostly offering priority to previous clients, as well as new clients who offer a reference for a local, reputable SP, but I'm also open to seeing a few...
  18. TGirl Nikki

    Tgirl Nikki - where else should I visit?

    Geez, sometimes these "I'm available to serve your needs all week" threads get kinda boring... I mean, I could probably just bump my old threads without adding anything new, and most people wouldn't even notice a difference. So, I thought I'd try something new with this thread, and ask for...
  19. TGirl Nikki

    Tgirl Nikki - in Toronto for the next two weeks

    Hey guys, hope you're not feeling too worn-out or tired these days, as the weather starts to change from fall to winter... This is such a hard time of year, because you have shorter days and a lot less daylight, as well as the certainty of cold and snow on the way, not to mention the stress of...
  20. TGirl Nikki

    couples counselling with a diagnostic component?

    This doesn't sound like a relationship problem, it sounds like a man with serious issues, and those issues are affecting the relationship. I don't think that most couples counsellors would diagnose one half of the couple, they're mostly interested in identifying problems in the relationship and...
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