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  1. D

    Why do a lot women go for bums?

    When I said women under the age of 20 go for the bad boys, I meant both chronolical 20 and the emotional age of 20. keep in mind, once women reach a certain age, the number of elible men decline, and there is usually one man for ever four women. Women would prefer to date men closer to their...
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    Why do a lot women go for bums?

    Only girls under the age of 20 or at that maturity level go for the bad boys. Try talking to any woman over the age of 30, they go for quality.
  3. D

    Has Raven gone Independent?

    Sorry about the mix up, she was at Cachet last year, but she was also a GOE girl. I jotted down her number in my blackberry for later. Having seen Raven before, and booking through an agency, I like the idea that I can speak to her live. Not that there is anything wrong with a...
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    Has Raven gone Independent?

    Thank you Terbites, just got a bunch of private emails in my box confirming she is independent now. And I saw her ad on CL. Wow, about time Raven!
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    Has Raven gone Independent?

    A buddy of mine saw that Raven is now Indy, and was posting on CL, but I was with my son all weekend, and couldnt really get to the ''erotic'' services on CL. By the time I was able to get on line again, she had taken her posts off for the day, so a picture wasnt available. I just want to...
  6. D

    Top Ten Reasons East Jerusalem Does Not Belong to Jewish-Israelis

    ALL OF ISRAEL BELONGS TO THE JEWISH PEOPLE I am getting so sick of this conversation. There are so many problems in this world, who cares about the Palestinians and muslims. I hate to say it, but if the palestinians and their Islamic fundemental brothers disapeared off the face of this earth, NO...
  7. D

    How many think gryfin should be kicked off Terb?

    The Palestinians are actually safest in Israel during times of peace, because nobody else wants them. They have more less marketed themselfs off the charts for any immigration to other countries. God presence on earth is the fact that Zionism and the land of Isreal exists. If the Israelites...
  8. D

    My suggestion to Terbites, read the book Gold digger nation. I would love to meet a wealthy established woman, Im willing to go as high as 60, 15 years my senior, possibly 65, as most rich women can afford to buy youth. After two marriages, where I was...
  9. D

    Please let me know if I can find a rich established professional women on this site between the ages of 42 to 52, some of the women on these sites actually lie about being older. A buddy of mine went to this site, and ended up with a 25 year old pretending to be 37, who needed help with her...
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    Dear Americans....

    Keep in mind, we were also able to throw money into social medicine, since we didnt have to spend billions on our military during the cold war. Even though we were a target for Russian missiles, we were protected by the US.
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    How many think gryfin should be kicked off Terb?

    Caged like animals with the right to leave any time they want, as most muslim countries I assume would embrace them.
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    How many think gryfin should be kicked off Terb?

    I think we could be put this matter to rest if Gryfin would answer Fuji's question, which he refuses to do. Israel is attempting to pull off the impossible, trying to kill terrrorists in a civillian population, which uses its own people as shields. Gryfin should also make a mental note to...
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    How many think gryfin should be kicked off Terb?

    I appreciate all the replys, and I guess I have to agree with most. I also noticed people did not miss my utter hatrid for Palestinians, based on the bible and my own Chrisitian beliefs. But my hatrid for Palestine does not just stem from the bible, its stems from the primitive disordly...
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    Pop Quiz for Zionists

    There are over a million Arabs living in Israel, and they are allowed to own land. I think once they give up their terrorist ideology and cross the border they are no longer Palestinians, just arabs. I think the UAE have to start allowing Jews to buy and own land in their country. Its only...
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    Tories making 'mockery' of Parliament by withholding Afghan documents: legal expert

    General interests Jean Chretien prorogued Parliament four times during his time as Prime Minister. Canada needs to adapt the same political stance as Australia. They are one of the few democratic countries who are not dealing with a muslim infestation, and when it comes to terrorists, I agree...
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    How many think gryfin should be kicked off Terb?

    How many want gryfin to leave? He is a troll, I dont know why he hasnt already been kicked off, or maybe he is a source of entertainment for us. Other questions to be answered at random. 1)How many think gryfin is a Palestinian with an agenda/and or is fucking a Palestinian, (male or female)...
  17. D

    Jack Layton is seriously ill

    Maybe its a sign for him to leave politics. He's an asshole.
  18. D

    Pop Quiz for Zionists

    Is that the best you can do? Pathetic.
  19. D

    Pop Quiz for Zionists

    Actually I do hate muslims. Or maybe I just hate Islam. I never hire any. The moment a resume with a muslim name comes across my desk at work, it I toss it. But I do have a multi ethnic hiring policy for all others. Didnt Israel take in a whole load of Ethiopian Jews in 1984? They protect...
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    Pop Quiz for Zionists

    Im a zionist, and Im not even Jewish. Im going to get all of my buddies to be zionist too. Its not cause we stand for a cause, its just to show solidarity on how disgusitng most guys think you are, including our PM Harper. Can someone get rid of this troll? There are plenty of anti zionist...
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