Royal Spa

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  1. D

    NHL 2020 Stanley Cup Playoffs

    Dallas in 6. They seem to keep finding ways to win, and GAMES 4 & 5 are back to back games, and fatigue is starting to catch up to Tampa having played so many games, so many overtimes, etc, and I can't see them winning the Stanley Cup without Stamkos. So unless Stamkos can somehow suit up in...
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    people need to mind their own business lol

    What is Freaking Hilarious, is if this woman is an Indian, and is a Hindu than BEEF is a meat that one should NOT eat according to the religion practiced by Hindu's. So I am gonna assume she is a Pakistani chick-in which case you should have dumped a heaping helping of pork on her plate to get...
  3. D

    Looking for a great BBQ joint.....

    ALL U CAN EAT RIBS on Tuesdays!! I will try to save some ribs for you. No promises though :)
  4. D

    Best Burger Place in Toronto?

    No mention of DANGEROUS DAN'S?!? @ Queen/Broadview? What is wrong with you people! :Eek::frusty: That place is absolutely awesome as you get A TONNE of food for not that much money. Also I am a big fan of BURGER BRATS down on Adelaide, and their Hangover Burger is BIG...
  5. D

    Eating and dfk with escorts

    HAHAHA, awesome! Spaman.
  6. D

    Hallowe'en at Oasis on this Wednesday is open to guys (without a girl)

    Solution is to bring your own girl to the event :)
  7. D

    Where To Find Used DVDs ?

    Well the absolute CHEAPEST option is just to get a Toronto Public Library card and visit one of the many Toronto Public Libraries. All of them (until Rob "I'M On a diet so people won't call me a fat F--K Ford" puts a stop to it) have movies available to be borrowed. Some are pretty good recent...
  8. D

    Toronto Star: Weigh over 350 lbs.? You eat free here at the Heart Attack Grill.

    Sadly I just can NEVER get above 250 pounds, (and eating healthier I am now a good 225, I am 6 foot 4 by the way with about a 6 foot dick :) despite constantly going to the best BIG ASS BURGER!!! pig-out place in Toronto, DANGEROUS DAN'S DINER and conquering...
  9. D

    HELP! Please need good girls in T'Bay.

    One thing I am really missing from my move from Toronto up to T'Bay is the availability of hot escorts and massage parlors. I moved here to go back to University, and I am surrounded by HOT student pussies all day, but sadly most of these hotties haven't realized YET that they can pay their...
  10. D

    Are hard lemonade type beverages for the ladies only

    VODKA is a RUSSIAN drink. Russian men drink vodka that is 70 percent proof. Therefore, we also like to drink Mike's HARD Lemonade and the like. Additionally these coolers have WAY more alcohol content than those pussy American beers, especially the ultimate pussy beers, Coors Light and Bud Light.
  11. D

    How about those thighs and cameltoes on the olympic skaters?

    ROFLOL! @ daty, I am 98 percent sure that this is one of my "web stolen" photos taken here in Toronto at the Molson Indy in 2005. For some reason people like stealing this shot from my website... oh well it looks even better looking at full size, but I am keeping the originals for myself!!!
  12. D

    How about those thighs and cameltoes on the olympic skaters?

    Yes I would go HARD! HARD! HARD! with her :)
  13. D

    Adam Giambrone running for Mayor?

    Interesting to see if he decides to now re-run for council or fall back on his Archeology background by hiding under a very large rock for the next 20 years or so... Really the only thing he did wrong was keep lying about these "affairs". He was not married, and at least the ladies he was with...
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    The New Lead Singer for Aerosmith is ...

    You know I could actually see this... hearing Sweet Emotion from Tom Jones would be sorta cool.
  15. D

    Movies that you can see for free on the internet.

    SCREEN GRABS generally are poor quality, (but really you can't complain about a free movie you have to pay $13 or more per person to see in a theatre) but many of the DVD movie burns out there are at a pretty good quality these days. Many files are now going at around 1.4 gigs for an AVI file...
  16. D

    imac up and running. Now set up help.

    I believe the 700 MHZ G4 is around 7-8 years old. The machine can be upgraded to a MAXIMUM of 1.0 GIG of RAM... really, unless you really really need it, I probably wouldn't bother as a GIG is still too little to comfortably run NEWER versions of PhotoShop (CS, CS2 and CS3) and other pro...
  17. D

    Will Windows 7 win the war over MAC for PC?

    I highly doubt it, as Microsoft does not offer a comparable music player/radio streaming/video buying application like iTunes. So even people who choose to run PC's with Windows 7 often have a Windows version of iTunes running on their computers, and are more likely to have either an iPod or an...
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    Still waiting for the first ever good epic 3D IMAX PORNO MOVIE. I am just waiting for the first ever good epic 3D IMAX PORNO MOVIE. Story is a bonus :D But for a Sci-Fi Fan-boy anyways, Avatar looks pretty rocking.
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    The Leafs

    Best thing they could do with Schenn is to trade him around the deadline with Toskala for a winger and maybe a pick 3rd or 4th rounder. Toskala is playing good because it is a contract year for him, but I doubt very much whether the Leafs will resign Toskala. And Schenn I think could be a...
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    What's better than sex or is there anything better than sex?

    Winning 10 million dollars. Then I could afford to have fun with $5000 an hour super babes like Tiger Woods and other horny rich dudes.
Toronto Escorts