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  1. N

    A Star is Porn

    Carrie, you're an awesome lady, but you now have five threads on the first two pages of this sub-forum. Is it possible to create a single Carrie Moon wacky pictures mega-thread or something? Lisa in Toronto has lost tons of clients and revenue due to her excessive drunken babbling and...
  2. N

    Joy pictures

    I vote to see a picture of Joy naked in the middle of Regent Park wearing only a sandwich board that reads 'I HATE NIGGERS' a la Bruce Willis' character in Die Hard 2.
  3. N

    The Ask-A-Dancer Thread

    You looked a lot better as a blonde. You're also turning into a bit of a c.u.n.t on here.
  4. N

    The Ask-A-Dancer Thread

    Can you link me to where Joy said that? :(
  5. N

    Banned from TERB

  6. N

    Banned from TERB

    The handle I registered here was 'reggin' until someone noticed it was 'nigger' spelled backwards. Did I write post a long whiny thread? No. I simply created a second account, 'alphanig' which has so far been problem-free. Grow up.
  7. N

    Banned from TERB

    First World Issues.
  8. N

    Who can beat me?!?
  9. N


    Shitting and typing right now (laptop with wi-fi). I am scared to look. Here I go: NO BLOOD! Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. N


    I haven't left the house since Sunday. My ass is in pain, and each shit I take is topped off with a pool of bright red blood. Anusol suppositories and cream barely work. What the hell am I supposed to do?
  11. N

    Are you taller than me? need to................stop the ellipses abuse........(that means the pointless '.................') and maybe then.................a woman.........will fuck you.......................................................................................... P.S. I am 6'5.
  12. N

    Chastisement of God -- house broken into.

    I vote that you terminate yourself immediately. Be with God.
Toronto Escorts