Toronto Escorts

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  1. M

    sp's inkitchner

    Noelle is a real sweetheart, one of the finest ladies in KW without a doubt!
  2. M

    Any providers that do BBBJCIM ?
  3. M

    Any providers that do BBBJCIM ?

    Mia is one of the best in KW for BBBJCIM :) She will suck you dry!!! There are others, but you will have to do your own research... i.e. use the search...
  4. M

    Dirty lil" Secrete

    Good thing there is always a career in the xxx industry to fall back on for these girls.... An oldie, but a goodie that still cracks me right up:
  5. M

    sp post every few hour or very 30 min

    How devilishly clever of you....I just knew you had a redeeming quality ;) (just bustin' your chops)
  6. M

    sp post every few hour or very 30 min

    If English is your second language, then please continue to work on it: it's a beautiful language when written and spoken properly. If it's your mother tongue, then I feel sorry for you because our education system has failed you miserably. I could not agree more. I run an ad on kijiji for a...
  7. M

    2 Hour Drive To See KW Mish - Stood Up

    The truth is that there are only a handful of ladies in the KW region that are courteous, professional and respectful of other people's time. These ladies would never leave a client hanging like that without some form of explanation or apology. The others simply don't care. They know that they...
  8. M

    Measurements and stats - how important?

    The obvious question is: why don't you ask for an opinion from the terb community on the lady in question? I'm sure one of us has seen her and would be more than happy to give honest feedback via pm. A name would be helpful though....
  9. M

    Minaj 1st-timer

    Common courtesy and respect for other people's time are two qualities that unfortunately Minaj does not possess. If you are desperate, don't mind having your time wasted and accept the fact that there is a good likelihood of being stood up, then by all means try to book some time with...
  10. M

    A few reviews from the past couple of years...

    Thanks for taking the time to compile this list of your experiences!! I wish all the reviews on here were written as well and as concisely as yours. Do yourself a favour before "retiring" and plan a visit with Victoria and Sharla (if you haven't already). Two of KW's finest without a doubt....
  11. M

    Minaj - no show

    Many of us do care and certainly do factor it in when deciding on who to see. I have said it before and I will say it again: Minaj is a complete time-waster that has zero respect for her client's time. I did post a review of my visit with her a while ago, but it got deleted by the mods. Just...
  12. M

    Rayna Cruz

    Well said, my thoughts exactly!! No guy I know talks like that.....
  13. M

    Rayna Cruz

    I wish I was well endowed by nature.....well, at least I have nice ears (or so I've been told). Seriously though, this is by far the funniest "review" I have read on here in awhile!! It may not be a real or legitimate review, but at least it's a review. And that's what this board is all about...
  14. M

    More new girls

    Minaj must have me confused with someone else she screwed over!! I can assure you that I have not attempted to contact her since the day I saw her, which was over a month ago. And I can assure you that the last thing I would want to do is repeat with her!! I saw her once and once was enough...
  15. M

    More new girls

    You're right, I have not and definitely won't. I don't recall having said that. My opinions are based on my experience with Minaj. I think I was clear about that. But, have you ever heard the expressions: "Birds of a feather flock together" or "guilty by association"? That is why I can deduce...
  16. M

    More new girls

    Minaj is definitely a time waster and not worth the effort as far as I'm concerned!! That I can say based on personal experience. The other two girls I can't comment on. But based on what I have read about them, in my opinion they are all fly-by-nighters looking to make some quick money with a...
  17. M

    Review; Nevaeh

    Even easier: avoid the entire situation altogether. Personally, I don't need any additional drama in my life!!
  18. M

    Looking for a COUPLE - MF

    Not my fantasy!!! Now is she 42 or 45??? Or neither? I will go with the latter.
  19. M

    Looking for a COUPLE - MF

    Try this one: I think her 60 year old hubby will join in if you ask....:eek:
  20. M

    Worst ad ever

    Personally, I prefer christall. I'm also really glad that visa/mc are accepted and that tipping is "not allowed".....
Toronto Escorts