Ashley Madison

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  1. BusterHighmann

    Amber 4469 - Kingston

    Honestly if room mates are an issue then seeing hookers isn't for you. I can't count how many times I was either introduced to a roommate or walked past them with their head turned in another direction. LoL
  2. BusterHighmann

    Gina - 2948

    I haven't but looks legit, go check her out.
  3. BusterHighmann

    visiting ottawa sunday

    Looks like her add is back up.
  4. BusterHighmann

    Whimsy Fai 8390

    Lol ok we gotta book something Hahhahahah
  5. BusterHighmann

    Whimsy Fai 8390

    If you're anything like the rest of us ADD people you probably have 20 boxes of doom with no idea what's inside them. We understand.
  6. BusterHighmann

    Any information about Monica

    Wanna buy a bridge in Brooklyn?
  7. BusterHighmann

    Emilia Dagger review

    Nice, maybe I'll drop her a line I've never seen a female condom.
  8. BusterHighmann

    Advanced A Levels

    You're right I forgot about her, I think she travels around a lot.
  9. BusterHighmann

    Lexy from T.O

    Also Italian Chinese and Dominican mix typically means she was born in the Philippines.
  10. BusterHighmann

    Lexy from T.O

    I didn't get past $300/hr all safe....pass....
  11. BusterHighmann

    Rose - 9227

    We appreciate the honesty!
  12. BusterHighmann

    Emilia Dagger adventure

    For sure, I personally don't have an issue with it, but if you look at the number of people posting about how they got scammed you will realize that PT Barnum was 💯 correct when he said "there is a sucker both every minute"
  13. BusterHighmann

    Advanced A Levels

    No Kassie Greek goddess. Only woman I've ever met who preferred Greek. She was GFE aswell, bit chubby, thick glasses, very friendly and loved chatting.
  14. BusterHighmann

    Emilia Dagger adventure

    Emilia no provider is trying to scam people out of a deposit but there are many scammers on LeoList who make fake adds and ask for deposits and then vanish. It's a known scam that fools fall for weekly just look at the posts on Terb.
  15. BusterHighmann

    Emilia Dagger adventure

    And why pray tel would they do that. Discouraging providers from coming to Ottawa just reduces competition and raises prices... something only those who provide services are interested in. Ask any provider who leaves working from a spa to go independent how many fake bookings they get and you...
  16. BusterHighmann

    Emilia Dagger adventure

    Think about it, what motive does a John have to fake book? None. Pimps, Spas, other providers have motive. Providers stand up clients because they will double book because often time they get stood up.
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