Royal Spa
Ashley Madison

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    Playmates Dancers

    She was there tonight, and yes sexy long legs…
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    Barefax Dancers

    Hi OttG Was there 2 weeks ago, on the Friday and Oh boy, 2 girls and 5 patrons.. met the new manager/DJ , try it out but Pigs & 77 should be ON. Cheers
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    Playmates Dancers

    Just a funny & very sexy lady, had a few dances from her in the CR and had my temperature rise in no time 🤣, too bad she’s only there on weekends until MTL opens up !! Cheers
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    Playmates Dancers

    Gina = what a body ;)
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    Bella @ clupAlpha

    I saw her last week on there weekly agenda and seems she left all ready, any idea where !! She looked amazing !!
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    Barbie or Bunny

    Yes that is her, she looks pretty hot but pictures seemed to be photoshopped!
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    Barbie or Bunny

    Anyone know or ever met this Busty Barbie on annonces intimes? She’s in Gatineau..
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    Barefax Dancers

    I hope so too, and hope Sofia & Sally come back !! And Ricky the manager, great guy
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    Pigale Dancers.

    Hi Levis, Had a few dances from her before the pandemic, can you tell me her name again, and does she only work the one day ( Thursday ) great lady, and so funny !! Thanks
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    Barefax Dancers

    Any word if Sofia & Saly have returned or dancing somewhere else !!
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    Sweet chocolate

    Any of you guys have seen KiKi from CMJ Spa, she seemed pretty new to the club !! And looks pretty hot….
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    Also curious, she looks amazing !!
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    Your Body Slide favourites?

    I’ll go with Ivy from CMJ, just can’t wait for her to come back !!
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    Anyone seen 28 year old 36DD Natasha? 1430

    Can’t seem to find her on Leo, do you guys have a link ! Thanks
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    Isabelle 5176

    She looks pretty amazing, any of you boys seen her in the past !!
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    That Babe Yessica

    Sorry, thought I was somewhere else..
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    That Babe Yessica

    Saw her with CMJ and she was no longer there today, anybody know if she’s coming back or going Indy !? Cheers
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