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  1. B

    Pigale Dancers.

    I'm a daytime guy but as many times as I have been there, I have tried to get Cali's attention with no success. She turns her head away and blows right by me. So then I end up spending my money on somebody else.
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    Avoid this ad on leolist 7322

    If I may suggest, when we find a ROB such as this providing a link is good but to paste any images here would really be helpful to the rest of us if she decides to change her name. I'm sorry for your experience. No conciliation but we have all been jipped at some point.
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    Playmates Dancers

    I've seen her before. Looks like she has Buckwheat (Little Rascals) caught in a headlock.
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    Pigale Dancers.

    This is a whole new club now (and not in a good way). Not doing anywhere near the volume it used to do prepandemic. I'm not saying they should be, but if they were to look at historical sales say for June 2020 and compare to where they are today, they would see a long road ahead. The club used...
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    Pigale Dancers.

    Sometimes a thought rattles around in my head sounding like the last tic tac in the pack but I noticed that some of the partitions in the private dance area downstairs have been removed making the rooms larger. I know this didn't happen recently but I was able to ask a dancer who no longer works...
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    Playmates Dancers

    This ATM belongs to the club. Forty bucks just makes me gasp!!!!
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    Pigale Dancers.

    Thursday at 1 Samantha Selena And that was it. Notice on the door says that they will be open at 7pm on Monday May 23.
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    Pigale Dancers.

    Monday at1:30 Monica Stephanie Tasha Selena Cali Tila (looked Malaysian or Thai) Body builder type girl And another girl
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    Pigale Dancers.

    Would it be safe to say that 77 is becoming a mini pigale or in other words piglet?
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    Pigale Dancers.

    That is crazy. Friday used to be a banner day for dancer selection.
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    curvy strippers

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    Blast from the past

    She worked at the Playmate.
  13. B

    Club 77

    Great strategy to get the girls in early and in turn get the customers in as well.
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    curvy strippers

    Just my opinion but I think it is a cruel world when a woman is trying to market herself based on physical appearance. If a woman is going to decide to try dancing, then they need to be able to handle rejection and realize it is not personal. Stripclubs and dancers must appeal to the masses. A...
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    Playmates Dancers

    head of the stairs...........head ...... gigiddy
  17. B

    Sunday nights

    It will always be about connecting with someone who meets your expectations. the variable is how busy is the club when you go. Sometimes people assume that if a club isn't busy and a dancer is also not busy, then they may be willing to go the extra mile with a customer. I'm not saying it has...
  18. B

    Playmates Dancers

    She would do well if she worked at Pigale.
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