Asia Studios Massage

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    Ximena - Sparx

    I never see a new member write a first time bad review.
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    Britany Lajoie - Scammer, avoid

    BritanyLajoie💕🍑💦LetsPlay In/out😘 Squirt💦OpenMinded/Online | Ottawa | South Eastern & Ottawa | Female Escorts | LeoList
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    Barefax Dancers

    I remember her from the nineties. Mental stability has always been a challenge for her.
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    AEYOW Aya 9089

    Thank you for the review. As I look at her menu and compare that to your review, would I be correct in estimating you spent close to 600 bucks for this adventure.
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    Pigale Dancers.

    I haven't been in the club for some time now but I've noticed that when attendance is taken, Tasha seems to be absent. Just an observation.
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    If you are one for nostalgia, when I lived in California there was (and still is) a tv station called METV it has all the shows you can think fo from the sixties and seventies. Cannon, Mannix, Rockford Files to name a few. Loved that station and I wish I could get it up here.
  7. B

    Maya Fox - fun Asian, exceptional service - 0623

    Sounds like an incredible session. You said 90 minutes. Man , if I were sixteen again I could have accomplished all of that in 30 minutes, including shower. But I am happy those days are over. Great review.
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    Let me pick your brain

    If I have booked a certain amount of time with you then I expect the time to be spent with me. Not on your phone, not getting ready, etc. etc. Appointments can always run over, don't book back to back. If you make a guy feel special in some small way, he'll be back.
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    Pigale Dancers.

    I went to university and then post graduate. I am paid very well. I know that this form of entertainment is hard on the ladies and not really a career move, but it is for the most part their choice. After 4 hours work, I don't go home with the cash that some of these girls do. And the can of...
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    Club 77

    I don't know if this means anything but I visited Pigale last week for the first time this year and noticed the dancer mileage is noticeably lower.
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    NuDen Dancers

    You did the right thing. Stand your ground. I have experienced this at other clubs and they threaten to call the bouncer. When I say go ahead I'll wait here, they have always backed down. If the dancer were to go to the doorman, then they dancer has just exposed her MO. Fool me once shame on you...
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    Pigale Dancers.

    How did this thread become google maps?
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    Barefax Dancers

    She has literally been dancing for about 25 years now. I remember her dancing at the playmate in the nineties. Over the years we have crossed paths and I have tolerated her but never indulged. Years ago she said that if I give her 3000 dollars then I could have unlimited dances for the next year...
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    1018 Merivale

    I agree about the stock photos. I have found that where ever there are AMPS, they always use stock photos. This includes Vancouver, New York, Seattle, San Francisco, Los Angeles.
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    Back in Kanata. Upscale and Super Sexy! JEMMA

    For those who are wondering BACK IN KANATA IS Upscale and Super Sexy! JEMMA | Ottawa | South Eastern & Ottawa | Female Escorts | LeoList
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    Club 77

    Didn't know it was for sale. Looking back on this thread, it looks like they were doing ok. I guess the owners just wanted to move on.
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    Club 77

    Sorry, I should have been clear. The dancers rent the rooms as places to live. Room and board. No customers allowed. As I reviewed my post I realized that you might get that impression.
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    Club 77

    The dancers are able to rent rooms upstairs.
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    Barefax Dancers

    Sophia can also be seen at Pigale from time to time.
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