Search results

  1. R

    Secret Benefits

    I only used Secret because there was a SB that I wanted to reconnect with, and yes the credits go fast. I knew that we would be connected again soon, so didn't worry about the system at that time. If someone were just starting out .... go with Seeking as it is unlimited chats. It takes a lot of...
  2. R

    The beautiful horny pregnant Mery Bloom

    I didn't think a unicorn would attract attention either
  3. R

    Secret Benefits

    Not a scam, but way more fake ads than even LL. It's a lot of work to find the perfect match, but the rewards can be plentiful. Just take the same precautions that you would with LL, share pics prior to meeting with a specific request that proves the posted pics in the ad are real, and proceed...
  4. R


    I do recall with fond memories .... met Leyla when she first entered the business. She was so shy, and spoke virtually zero English. But she was amazing from day 1. I remember saying when I entered the hotel room "oh, you are really the girl in the pictures" ... she said "why are you looking at...
  5. R

    Received a message after cancellation - should I pay the “fine”?

    Well, I wouldn't advise to string him along lol. You would be escalating the situation. I think you know that it was a scam, so clear out and forget about it. It would be fun to string him along, but maybe not the best idea. It's best to leave a sleeping dog lie, unless you want to get off the...
  6. R

    Any Early Morning Recommendations?

    I love a response that someone (Alma) really enjoys meeting in the mornings. I love it when someone enjoys what they are doing, and lets you know what they like. No wonder you are so well reviewed!
  7. R

    Paying payment in gift card ?

    Gift cards are for tip purposes only. A very nice bonus, if you know the provider well, and know what they like. Otherwise, it's a scam
  8. R

    Kingston massage with HE?

    Pearl was always good with short notice.
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    Nala (5961)

    that's one beautiful cuddy cabin that she is posing in her first pic. Would like to see the entire pic of the boat! I am Riverrunner, appreciate a nice boat :)
  10. R

    Any Early Morning Recommendations?

    Jemma met me early in the past. Her only flaw seems that she is late on her appointments, but she was ready at 7 am when we were to meet. I did tell her, that I was on a time-line, so I feel she can be on time, if she needs to be. Not being negative lol, she's great!
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    Doreen Kingston

    Are the pics accurate?
  12. R

    Any info on thi SP!! -0635

    She looks real, take a chance and report back :)
  13. R

    Seems to me men are far lonely then ever

    #weddingcake lol as a loss of sexual appetite. Well done MikeO
  14. R

    Seems to me men are far lonely then ever

    I personally don't think men are more lonely than women. How does a person categorically decide from anecdotal short-sidedness that men are lonely? Personally, I find my male friends happy and content. Most do hobby, but that has nothing to do with loneliness, just a safe hobby. Like going to...
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    Kingston SP Thread

    The pictures are exactly her. So if she is not early 30s, she does look middle-ish 30s. Great time and can really get into it. I remember we had some banter prior to meeting, and when we were getting ready to start, she said "okay let's see what you got" challenging me to really give her a...
  16. R

    Largest tits but not a BBW Wrong city, but have to mention Mya. She usually sticks to Kingston.
  17. R

    Kingston SP Thread

    No extras other than HE, but Pearl is a guaranty to have a nice half hour
  18. R

    Kingston SP Thread

    Usually if they put name and phone number on their ad pic, then they are generally real. Why don't all ads have a pic with name, phone # and pic. Maybe bic most ads are fake?
Toronto Escorts