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    Suicide over climate anxiety

    They are more worried about Will Smith slapping Chris Rock
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    Baby Boomers are almost Finished

    Don't forget that while they drain the government pensions, they are going to leave a shit-pile of debt for you to pay.
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    Children born 50 years from now could live a lot longer

    Isn't this just a modern day take on Hair in a Can"? The only difference is that once you realize you look like an asshole you can't wash it out.
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    Thoughts on our new ndp government?

    I would let Candice give me a handjob and toss my salad.
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    Children born 50 years from now could live a lot longer

    Betcha they will not find a cure for male pattern baldness though.
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    2021-2022 Official NHL thread

    Sportsnet has some strange stats they use for their NHL coverage. * Game Winning Goals: Meaningless. A GWG is the goal that put your team ahead for good. Say the Leafs were leading the Sens 5 - 1. Mathews scored the first two goals and Marner...
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    Liberals and NDP Become BFF

    What I find amusing about this is that board members on the left and right are actually in agreement. People on the right do not like this arrangement, and if the Conservatives made this same agreement, the people on the left would not agree with it. This is where we, as taxpayers need to...
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    Top 10 NFL QB's

    For the last few years the Colts have been picking up QB's after their expiry date hoping to get that one last great year out of them. Obviously it is not a long term strategy.
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    Liberals and NDP Become BFF

    It would be kind of funny if Trudeau introduced a bill (similar to Bill 21 in Quebec) banning the wearing of turbans...
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    Liberals and NDP Become BFF

    Who has the most to gain in this relationship or who has the most to lose? Excluding the taxpayer as all of us have the most to lose and nothing to gain.
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    Liberals and NDP Become BFF

    No, they will send those copters over to Ukraine as part of our "War Effort".
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    Liberals and NDP Become BFF

    Something tells me that you would not be making this post if it was the NDP and Conservatives joining this type of Union.
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    Energy Crisis Is About To Get Worse

    Not to worry as once our politicians fuck the world over and we are left freezing in our homes, the Cape Breton Princess will show how things are done old school style! I do remember when my grandparents heated the farmhouse with coal. We used to help grandfather bring coal in from the bin...
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    Doesn't Look like Ford Will Win Next Election

    Dougie did an okay job during the pandemic. He cooperated in large part with Trudeau (even when Trudeau's inaction and bad decisions costs thousands of people their lives), led the provinces in how to vaccinate the population and kept the crazy unions in place during the pandemic. Liberals...
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    Blue Jays 2022 Thread

    Division winners with the two best records will get a bye. Remaining division winner and three wild card teams will battle it out in a best of three series. The winners of that round will face the teams who had the bye, etc... Glad to see the one game wild card format gone as all it takes is...
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    Trump promises to return to the White House: 'I will be back and we will be better and stronger than ever before'

    Isn't this what the anti-Trump crowd wants? Another few years of love/hate drama surrounding the man?
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    Should the NFL limit Quarterback Salaries?

    If you look at the last 21 Superbowls, there has been only three years where both teams had a less than premier quarterback. In 2000 Trent Dilfer beat Kerry Collins (even I could have been QB for that Ravens defense), 2002 where Brad Johnson beat Rich Gannon and last year where Stafford beat...
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