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  1. Dubman23

    The Women of CP24

    So true! Come on leggings or tight shorts ffs
  2. Dubman23

    The Women of CP24

    BF really knew what he was doing when he said raise those arms;)
  3. Dubman23

    The Women of CP24

    Found a nice screen grab from January 2020. We miss you Shanelle!
  4. Dubman23

    The Women of CP24

    She's a beauty. Always liked her.
  5. Dubman23

    The Women of CP24

    Thanks! Stunner
  6. Dubman23

    The Women of CP24

    lol sorry who is she? Yeah hot for sure!🔥
  7. Dubman23

    Explicit sex scene in movies

    Straw Dogs
  8. Dubman23

    The Women of CP24

    Found an older clip with Jennifer Hsuing looking :love:
  9. Dubman23

    The Women of CP24

    Arda warming up our Monday morning just now☀
  10. Dubman23

    The Women of CP24

    Eden is class and unlike the quitting weather diva does not jump all around the set super hyper, loud and pretentious.
  11. Dubman23

    The Women of CP24

    Thanks for the update.(y) I knew it had to be something like that. She is loved by the team there and would have made an announcement if she was leaving for good. Hope she is back soon:)
  12. Dubman23

    The Women of CP24

    Stunning beauty! :love:
  13. Dubman23

    The Women of CP24

    Arda and Eden in past 12 hrs Is Eden not doing weather anymore or is she both weather and reporter?
  14. Dubman23

    Big admirer of all things hot and beautiful

    Big admirer of all things hot and beautiful
  15. Dubman23

    The Women of CP24

    Good to see Michelle eating sweet food. Sadly she has battled an eating disorder in the past but seems quite well lately.
  16. Dubman23

    Thanks for posting Leena pic. I love her Diva mannerism - what a babe!

    Thanks for posting Leena pic. I love her Diva mannerism - what a babe!
  17. Dubman23

    The Women of CP24

    Just joined this forum and want to thank (y) the mods and contributors for all the views and info on the CP 24 ladies babes and divas. I work from home so the channel is sometimes on to give me a useful distraction ;) My all time fave is or was Jackie Crandles and am sad to notice she is off...
  18. Dubman23

    The Women of CP24

    There's too many to mention! :p
  19. Dubman23

    The Women of CP24

    I really like L I love Leena. :love:She's foxy, strong minded and a total Diva. I bet she rules the lunchroom at CP24 with her superior demeanour. Dresses sexy and classy.
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