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    Homeless/junkie solution?

    if people want to give money and help, Im all for it. however stealing money against peoples will, Im against. charity yes, theft no.
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    The men who pay the most are the ones that women are interested in the least

    there was a picture? Im internet savy clueless. porn, youtube and email are the extent of my skills :)
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    Homeless/junkie solution?

    of course not that wouldnt be very smart forward thinking. never quit a job before you find a new one. ask for a raise and come up with factually based reasons why your performance increases the companies productivity. modified work hours in your favor. longer hours of work and less days of...
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    The men who pay the most are the ones that women are interested in the least

    "Aside from my charm, intellect, wit and massive dick, I clearly told her I could provide no financial kick backs. I've already stopped paying her anything. But thanks for your supportive attitude in what was a serious and sincere offer in a relationship that you know absolutely sweet fuck all...
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    Homeless/junkie solution?

    people like food and to eat? Im not disputing that shit has gotten more expensive and that people are using the food banks more. people made poor decisions way back when (not related to now, spending more on things they dont really need, buying a home that was more than what they needed, going...
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    Most people DON'T WANT RELATIONSHIPS: understanding the decline in romantic relationships..... thoughts?

    interesting perspective... I guess it comes down to how invested a person wants to be with another. what value to they bring? people typically do not like to share when it comes to something they highly value. sexual access to a partner, financial access. call it the romantic in me but...
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    Homeless/junkie solution?

    lots of work out there. I look through indeed and could go across canada. my skills arent even the most sought after. sure it means they may have to move, or do something not in their field, or they dislike, but its money. what percentage of the jobs out there are gig jobs? people have the...
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    Grooming children with clothing - Your thoughts?

    well considering there is a store call la senza girl.... if I was a parent I would cancel the hams on my kids wearing that shit, especially if Im footing the bill for the clothes. a child should be naïve to the world, and slowly acclimated by the parents at a time which is in tune with the...
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    The men who pay the most are the ones that women are interested in the least

    plus one for you if you found a unicorn. was I supposed to be supportive to you? didnt read like you were. I offered my opinion on the information you provided, not to be supportive. very good. if you know the deal great. just like every relationship its a value exchange, which at any time...
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    Homeless/junkie solution?

    yes they are, but ultimately people should find work that they can negotiate such things. if a person has low skills that the majority of people out there can offer they have no negotiating power. people have the power to walk and find other work. unfortunately peoples choices in life may lock...
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    The men who pay the most are the ones that women are interested in the least

    well ya.... if you can provide what she wants she will stick around. better a sb relationship that has no contractual obligations. if you didnt provide those kick backs she would be out. equitable split of assets is a mother fucker when its comes to family law.
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    Homeless/junkie solution?

    yes companies do control what people are paid. what is wrong with that? compensation is based on skills and performance. if someone is a cashier its an easily replaceable position which should be compensated minimally. opposite to a skilled person who is in high demand can negotiate better...
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    Homeless/junkie solution?

    tax or stealing from other to give their money to people who did not earn it. most people are rich or poor because of the choices they make in life. the choices of the parents reflect in their children. its a cycle which if people choose to, can break. it may require difficult decisions which...
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    Homeless/junkie solution?

    way back when it was survival of the fittest. those with poor genetics, did not pass on their genetics. eventually nature ran its course. sadly people can breed with no real consequence since the systems cares for those who are not able to be responsible for themselves. which perpetuates...
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    Are fat people lazy?

    I would say undisciplined, not lazy.
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    Are millenials entitled?

    helicopter parenting and giving all the things a parent never had as a child. when people are given everything and have no fear of having nothing or have no understanding of the money, time, effort used to acquire such things it really provides no concrete ways to measure value for that person.
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    Bed Bugs

    I had bed bugs a couple of months ago from a tenant I rent to. 1400 sq foot house cost $1800. 120 day guarantee. it killed everything creepy crawly in the house. no issues since if the protocol is followed.
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    Monkeys enslaved by cruel coconut farmers who make them work in chains to meet growing demand for trendy vegan milk

    we do all kinds of horrible things to animals. we raise them to eat, test various products, use their organs for medical purposes, cage them in zoos, make them preform tricks at the circus, act as beasts of burden for farming. those just a quick pick from the top of my head. in non western...
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    Most people DON'T WANT RELATIONSHIPS: understanding the decline in romantic relationships..... thoughts?

    interesting perspective. p4p, passport bros, red pill, porn as a rational for men.
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    Best Before Date

    seriously... the government is going to waste more money chasing after bullshit. first world problems sucking the money out of our pockets
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