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    UN seeks to help children battling climate change in court

    They should start in China, which produces more emissions than the US and EU combined. Let’s see how Xi deals with them.
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    China’s full collapse has begun

    Industrialization, when people move from the farm to the city, increases productivity but reduces fertility. On the farm kids are free labor, in the city they are a luxury good, especially in densely populated areas.
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    City of Toronto is broke

    Everyone wants to tax someone else, a city income tax is the least regressive (vs fees). And given you collectively voted for NDP you may as well get the full experience.
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    City of Toronto is broke

    You simply need a city income tax, think NYC or where I live in Cincinnati. Try 5% going to 10%, that will fill some holes.
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    Joe Biden used Aliases to connect Hunter with Government business and Ukraine updates

    That’s one of the most rational explanations of Biden‘s behavior I’ve seen. He was a mediocre Senator who inherited his seat and other than getting Clarence Thomas confirmed to the Supreme Court and spouting the occasional delusional lie was was a bit of a punchline. His hard left woke bullshit...
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    China’s full collapse has begun

    And house prices will only go up
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    China’s full collapse has begun

    I got randomly banned and just walked away - how many fucking Trump threads can you read. Alive and thriving, thanks for asking.
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    The Great American Blunder

    We import and export for economic reasons, not supply. We buy Canadian because we can rape you on the price because you haven’t the infrastructure to refine or export it.
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    The Great American Blunder

    You can win the war and lose the peace - that’s what happened in Afghanistan and Iraq, you can’t turn corrupt fractured theocracies into liberal democracies. In Vietnam the US won every battle and lost the war, we should have never been there. None of our industrial might depends on China...
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    The Great American Blunder

    Oh no, not peak oil again LOL No, you don’t understand fracking.
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    China’s full collapse has begun

    China is on a more dire trajectory than Japan has been on and without the high end skills. Japan is extremely Xenophobic, I would argue so I China and much of the world.
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    China’s full collapse has begun

    People are net LEAVING China.
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    China’s full collapse has begun

    Your economy is heavily integrated with the worlds largest economy, it’s not a bad thing. In some ways the East and West of Canada are more tightly integrated with the US than they are with each other.
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    You Can’t Project Power When the World Knows You Are Weak

    Actually the US makes almost everything that actually matters. Energy, food, homes, cars. Yes the world is our sweatshop for lower value items, and yes we have BY FAR the largest consumer market so we import a lot of stuff. Chip making is being onshored or near Shored (Mexico), Mexico is now...
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    You Can’t Project Power When the World Knows You Are Weak

    Don’t confuse the country with its government, governments are simply inefficient ineffective parasitic organizations that feed on the country.
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    China’s full collapse has begun

    I don’t see moving to a racist authoritarian country as being very attractive to people with skills.
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    China’s full collapse has begun

    Look at it from a GDP or consumer market perspective, 9 of the top 10 economies are in this group and most of the next 10. I’m not sure the Middle East or Africa will be much help to China.
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    China’s full collapse has begun

    I don’t see immigration filling the gap. “On net, more than 300,000 people left China in 2022, with another net loss of 300,000 projected this year. For context, that's roughly double the annual net outflow from 2010 to 2017.”
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    China’s full collapse has begun

    This is maybe China’s greatest weakness. Xi is the new Mao, he has destroyed the countries ability to make decisions and execute policy because he’s the only one that can make decisions. When ministers disappear it’s because they got in front of Xi. A recent example...
  20. O

    China’s full collapse has begun

    Add to this Add to this 20% of youth that should be starting their careers can’t find a job.
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