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  1. J

    Has Terb lost members?

    One man's experience No I don't think it's a loss of members. People have lives and TERB although a nice distraction is not the end all and be all (not looking for flames here). Speaking from personal experience I did quit for a while when I did get into a relationship. During my time with a...
  2. J

    What do think of when you come???

    Distance, velocity, volume and trajectory. I don't do it on purpose but sometimes the majestic arc ends on the MPAs hair, face, eye etc. - that image just sticks in my mind for some reason :->
  3. J

    average age to begin this hobby?

    Let's see, here's my sordid history: SC: 15 (fake ID) MP: 20 (MP hopping stag party - got her in the hair, got the next one in her eye/face - I used to shoot like P.North) SP: 25 (Break up with GF went to SC - went back to her place BBJTC with swallow and BBFS -was young & foolish back then)
  4. J

    Canada's Screwed Up Political Spectrum

    I know it's off topic Timberwolf, I never claimed to be well informed, I am however, not ignorant. The Mid-East situation concerns me as I assume it does for most people, and that is an opinion that I voiced not a statement of fact. Another opinion: And I think they came damn close with...
  5. J

    Canada's Screwed Up Political Spectrum

    NDP, CA etc. Ah, but Timberwolf, Israel and Italy had proportional electoral systems in contrast to our first past the post. With their electoral systems it was perpetual coalition governments with the balance of power held by fringe parties at either extreme of the electoral system. Now...
  6. J

    Canada's Screwed Up Political Spectrum

    NDP Well the first step would have been to gain some credibility. I was watching the coverage of the convention and IMHO Nystrom was the candidate with any sense of fiscal responsibility. If the left is ever going to be an alternative they've got to stop making me check to make sure I still...
  7. J

    Canada's Screwed Up Political Spectrum

    I just picked up this morning's paper and man, I'm pissed. I don't know about the rest of you but doesn't it seem like the selection of Jack Layton as leader seems to doom the NDP to perpetual fringe party? Having said that, the right side of the spectrum is just as bad with the CA and PC...
  8. J

    Is Dubya really a moron ?

    Good points Remo, I think you make some good points. It seems to that Bush and Reagan before him are considered morons by their political opponents but it seemed in the end, that they got the better of it. I know from personal experience that I can't articulate very well in a public speaking...
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