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  1. N

    Breast Implants vs. Natural Breasts

    My own 2 cents: I have a strong preference for playing with natural breasts. On the one hand, they're far more responsive, and on the other they just feel.... well, natual... Right. Not wrong. There's no other way to describe it. I've had experiences with what I thought were very good...
  2. N

    PayPal help? anyone?

    You can't blame Paypal for the fact people fake messages from them as Phishing attempts. People do the same from banks, the IRS, whatever -- PayPal's an "effective" fake-source because a lot of people have (or had) Paypal account. Those "Please update your information" messages don't happen...
  3. N

    Who's the hottest local female celebrity in Ottawa?

    I agree with JPsoHot -- Elissa Lansdell from that RO breakfast show was by far the hottest local celebrity, and we've never recovered since she left.
  4. N

    Emotions - 1 step further - getting duped

    I think the point that this isn't restricted to sex workers is a valid one. Case in point, a girl I met in university who was getting married would constantly complain about her boyfriend, act all pouty, and essentially do so to get the men around her to carry her academically. Now...
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