The Porn Dude

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  1. P


    no way. a man looking at half naked girls cause they are horney! I watched that thai massage video that was posted on here, that got me going. still waiting to scratch that itch, but im single and busy! thanks god for the energizer bunny
  2. P

    Hey guys

    true true, how could i forget, i seem to be doing that alot lately.
  3. P


    thanks Kacy. Ive checked out your pics before too, always lookin nice yourself. Im nosey, i look at everyones pics.:)
  4. P


    Extensions!! me!!! never ever. ;) they are blonde now by the way
  5. P

    Hey guys

    well i was just out... like i said, if you just call, i can be there in like 10 minutes. or if you dont mind waiting 10 minutes i can be there. Im always worth the wait!!!! im just here and there ya know. ya miss me?
  6. P


    well.... ask me then hunter
  7. P


    thanks....just technically challenged lately. when i was in school i did this stuff all the time. i guess the baby oil and hair bleach finally erased my expertise!
  8. P


    can you see it now? im so annoying arent i?
  9. P


    how bout now
  10. P


    how come i see it then
  11. P


    ok i figured it out thanks hunter
  12. P


    well its a pic of me from a website. and yes its really me! so i copied the adress but i got exed
  13. P

    Hey guys

    i missed terb lately too. This thing is addicting! I guess i have just been adjusting to working in another spa again.
  14. P


    no its not a nude pic of me, just a pic of some of my body parts that are non-nude. but the pic is cute and i like it and i want to put it on here.
  15. P


    how come when i tried to ad a pic to my signature i got a little x thingy?
  16. P

    Kitte your box is

    well ive been at work but not that busy cause the crazy weather and gas situation. I get all gussied up and me and the other gals just sit and look at eachother all night. snore.
  17. P

    Kitte your box is

    Well its empty now. ive seriously neglected my terb friends lately. sorry fellas. PM away!
  18. P

    Hey guys

    havent posted anything in a while. Im working a new place, and im not entirely comfortable leaving my laptop lying around, so ive been leaving it at home. anyway im still alive and well, just working lots as usual. Just thought id say hi.
  19. P

    Just another mid-week rant.....

    i think its kind of weird too, especially when someone walks into my vacinity and is chatting and then i think they are talking to me, so i may say "pardon?" and then i myself look like a weirdo. i find that annoying.
  20. P

    Pussy spanking...

    i wonder what Esco thinks about this, and if he enjoys a good spank
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