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Search results for query: lesser humans

  1. F

    Get ready Kamala fans...this is just the beginning

    Genocide is as evil as humans get. Just saying.
  2. F

    Iranian woman paralysed after being shot over hijab

    You sound like MAGA talking about Harris' race, Shazi. Racial supremacists are all the same.
  3. F

    Israel at war

    ...that a standard battlefield formula has never been used before. You do better when you're just sticking with calling Palestinians 'lesser humans' as you cheer for them being killed. At least thats your honest, hateful self and not just also incredibly stupid. WCNF - a new zionist created...
  4. F

    Hamas leader killed in Iran

    ...apply to other religious extremists like the christians who ran the residential schools here. Or in south africa or the KKK. But to you there is only one group who you think religious extremists think are 'lesser humans', you think that could only be about Palestinians. Another own goal, Shazi.
  5. F

    Hamas leader killed in Iran

    ...claiming that post was about Palestinians? They weren't mentioned. You immediately thought its about Palestinians because the words 'lesser humans' were used. This is all about you, and what you believe. You exposed yourself as a racial supremacist by jumping to your own conclusion...
  6. F

    Hamas leader killed in Iran

    I didn't mention Palestinians in that quote, Shazi. That's entirely on you, you saw the term 'lesser humans' and you immediately thought it must be about Palestinians. Whoops.
  7. F

    Pro Hamas in the west - and their adventures

    In reply to this post, which clearly wasn't about Palestinians. Your own confirmation bias had you jump immediately to declare it was about Jews and Palestinians, clearly it wasn't in the post. This is zionism today.
  8. F

    Pro Hamas in the west - and their adventures

    You're lying, CM. I never called Palestinians 'lesser humans'. That was all Shazi, I said something about all religious wackos think everyone else are 'lesser human's and Shazi instantly thought it was about Palestinians. Search return#2 on your link. You should apologize.
  9. F

    Israel at war

    Wow, you really aren't very bright at all, Shazi. Its one thing to be so incredibly hateful and racist that you back starving children to death and bombing them and their families. Its another to post endlessly on this board and still not understand how links and quotes work. Its another thing...
  10. F

    Israel at war

    No, Shazi. Nowhere in this exchange is there a mention of zionists or Palestinians. That is entirely your own racist filter.
  11. F

    Israel at war are a racial supremacist, a religious wacko who immediately thought the 'chosen people' could only apply to you and that by saying 'lesser humans' you thought that could only apply to the Palestinians you are trying to exterminate. You took a sarcastic reply and because you believe it to...
  12. F

    Israel at war

    ...extremists are and you just proved you are a religious extremist by taking it as fact and instantly deciding that any reference to 'lesser humans' must be the people you are backing exterminating. Nope, we've been over this repeatedly. I didn't refer to either zionists or Palestinians in...
  13. F

    Israel at war

    ...Palestinians, that was you jumping to your supremacist conclusions and confirming what I said about zionists is accurate. You read 'lesser humans' and immediately you thought Palestinians. Dead giveaway, Shazi. BDS, Shazi. Sanctions will end zionism without killing people. I know you only...
  14. F

    LCBO Store Employees On Strike!

    Idiotic argument. See here:
  15. F

    Asking College Students if They Know Why They are Protesting

    Its demographics, shack. Old people support Israel, young people don't. Are you arguing that its because they are senile or not as smart as youth? I'm unsure what your claim is here, why do you think its ageist that old people back genocide and young people don't?
  16. F

    Israel at war

    ...By the way, that quote was about people who call themselves the 'chosen people' justifying attacks on people they think are 'lesser humans'. I'd say you're really quite dishonest mischaracterizing what I posted but its more likely you're just not bright enough to understand sarcasm. How...
  17. F

    Israel at war

    There you go again, hammy. You were called out so you resorted to lying again. I have never called any group of people 'lesser humans'...
  18. F

    Israel at war

    ...on a path to righteousness, hammy? Under Israeli apartheid, Palestinians have zero human rights, do you think that makes them legally 'lesser humans' than Israeli Jews? Do you support keeping Palestinians legally as 'lesser humans' on your own path to righteousness on this board? Is that why...
  19. F

    Israel at war

    ...all Muslims based on one person's story about one other person. Check this thread to see how many times Palestinians have been demonized, usually as 'terrorists' sometimes as 'human animals' or 'vermin' or 'lesser humans' as shack prefers. Do you know any Palestinians? They are just people.
  20. F

    Israel at war

    I said that religious extremists who think they are the chosen people believe that, hammy.
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