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  • Happy Canada Day Sweetie!
    Hope you've been doing well gorgeous 😍
    I've noticed your profile has been back on SFT website for months now and I'm also delighted to see your presence back on terb also.
    Anyways, was hoping you might be able to share with me when you might be considering to be on schedule if anytime soon?
    Hope to hear from you and take good care of yourself Beautiful 😍
    Hi babe, my profile isn’t and shouldn’t be on the sft website. I don’t see it there, not sure how your seeing it there ?
    Sorry my bad, your right, to my surprise its no longer there.
    I've been using an older link I guess but this link shouldn't work anymore then but it's still working for some reason, lol
    This link was from when they put you back up on the site a few months back...
    Hi Megan,
    Hope your doing well!
    Look forward to see you again. Any Idea of when you might be back on schedule?
    All the best sweetheart, Alex 😘
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