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Recent content by Bbw hunter

  1. Bbw hunter

    More good news for Joe

    Well it's a Catch 22 though, isn't it? Joe croaks then Cameltoe takes over, and Dems may want that even less. It seems like they see Gavin Newsom as the thoroughbred of their dreams but wedging him into the White House before the midterms won't be easy.
  2. Bbw hunter

    I'M OUT!' The View fans threaten to BOYCOTT show if Alyssa Farah Griffin is hired as new permanent host!!

    Lol. Apparently some fans have stated their intentions to stop watching if Ayssa is hired. It figures that many View fans are too dumb to understand the concept of a panel debate ( ie you need a contrasting opinion to keep it interesting). Then again many members of the show's demographic may...
  3. Bbw hunter

    Roger Waters (Pink Floyd) Says He’s ‘Far, Far, Far More Important’ Than the Weeknd and Drake.

    Anyone who grew up on Floyd like me would agree in theory. In practice however it's a dumb thing for Waters to say. Music is subjective and it always changes with the times; this just makes Roger seem like a cranky old man. However he is known for his public outbursts. Guess there's a reason...
  4. Bbw hunter

    UPS drive collapses in extreme heat

    Not to worry, help is on the way! It's known as fall and winter.
  5. Bbw hunter

    Disgusting: Racist Sesame character ingnores two black girls and waves them off

    I heard these Muppets can be real prima donnas.
  6. Bbw hunter

    I guess it must be hard nob pun intended for Doug Ford to see a hooker

    Er...ok, Beav LOL. Yet I still think these threads are more interesting when they have a coherent point.
  7. Bbw hunter

    I guess it must be hard nob pun intended for Doug Ford to see a hooker

    All due respect....but WTF is the OP talking about now?
  8. Bbw hunter

    Kimmel's guest hosts.

    BTW did Chelsea Handler's monologue and the audience reaction remind anyone else of this famous film scene?
  9. Bbw hunter

    Kimmel's guest hosts.

    Colbert started out as a parody of a conservative commentator. However because it was so dull and witless nobody understood that this was actually satire so he had to switch to his real life persona. Some genius. He only gets the acclaim and the awards because liberal Hollywood agrees with him...
  10. Bbw hunter

    Kimmel's guest hosts.

    I can live with that. Al Bundy rules. Way funnier than Kimmel and Handler.
  11. Bbw hunter

    Biden brings peace to the middle east

    This short video seems to sum up Biden's Mideast policy:
  12. Bbw hunter

    Trying to change my own oil: big FAIL

    Here in Quebec it's mandatory to put winter tires on, so I just have the mechanic change my oil at the same they are put on and then removed in the spring. Oil changes aren't expensive, probably the cheapest form of auto maintenance you can do. I always suspected that changing your own oil to...
  13. Bbw hunter

    Kimmel's guest hosts.

    Damn straight. Leno is a professional stand up comic who is great at timing, set ups and delivering actual COMEDIC punch lines. This new breed of late night hosts sound more like propagandists and aren't fit to shine Leno's shoes.
  14. Bbw hunter

    Kimmel's guest hosts.

    LOL that's exactly the comparison I had my head. I didn't mention it mainly because I wanted to block out memories of that screamin' demon.
  15. Bbw hunter

    Kimmel's guest hosts.

    Ok just watched some more of Chelsea's monologue. Can only do so in small increments for sake of hearing what the other side has to say. However it's a masochistic endeavor at best. Getting deeper into it it's clear that this isn't really a comic monologue but an Anti-Republican rant. There...
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