leader problem solver crisis helper negotiator intelligent genious kind classy dependable natural real integritynot a sell out fights for people unselfish shares diplomatic believes in womens rights and there choices open minded plays fair rational can handle trump works for the people climate change takes care of poor people wants healthcare resurfaced and rectified futuristic brave straight shooter realistic good balancer mathemitician acoountable responsible and lastly way more honest then most politicians
I know him outside of politics. Egotistical, loves putting people in there place, thirst for power. Alpha male for sure, but your view is based on his planned image, mine from real life experience. Pick the one more likely valid.
I know him outside of politics. Egotistical, loves putting people in there place, thirst for power. Alpha male for sure, but your view is based on his planned image, mine from real life experience. Pick the one more likely valid.
Good question. I would have said mostly yes, but he hasn't shown strong comfort dealing even with the press right now. So, I am less certain, and Trump is a master of manipulation and I think he might even intimidate Carney. Carney probably thinks he can, but I am not quite certain. So, jury is out.
Do you ever even think about what you post? Should we wait for these never before seen pics of trump wearing a maga hat? What a revelation that would be! A major coup for you .... maybe the Washington Post or NY Times should be cc'd with your soon to be posted pics.
Do you ever even think about what you post? Should we wait for these never before seen pics of trump wearing a maga hat? What a revelation that would be! A major coup for you .... maybe the Washington Post or NY Times should be cc'd with your soon to be posted pics.