Bullshit interpretation.You are a despicable, blood thirsty old man, who is not satisfied with the loss of over a million people in the war so far.
There was an agreement for stopping the war after the first two weeks, with every page of the agreement initialized by the Ukrainian and Russian negotiators. An hour before it was going to be signed by Zelensky and Putin, Bojo the clown convinced Zelensky not to sign it. The result: totally unnecessary deaths of more than a million people and the emigration of 7 million people from Ukraine.
And this is not enough for you and your ilk. Nothing less than WWIII will satisfy you.
And yes, I support anyone who wants to fight for their rights and freedoms. I am not the bloodthirsty old man, Putin is. He has no right to invade a sovereign nation and is a war criminal by that fact alone. He bombs the very civilians he said was the purpose of the war to protect.
If Ukrainian people want to fight for their lives and freedom, who am I or you to make them lie down and be raped, tortured and killed by the Russians..as they have already done in the cities they have conquered?
Do you really understand the mindset of Putin and Russia? Do you understand that the only way to defeat a bully is to stand up to him? Because if you give him your lunch money, he will keep coming back for more. Because bullies love and thrive off weakness.