If you look back to Trumps first go round as Prez, he was all about making America great again, with talk about bringing back American manufacturing. I guess the millionaire/billionaire cabal in the States, both Democrat and Republican told him how that will hurt the bottom line, so shareholders (other rich Americans) won't stand for it, so everything made by their slaves in China and Southeast Asia has to stay status quo. Trump didn't have a back up then, so fast forward to now. His claims are for the American public, which is totally uninformed, to get behind him. So he pumps up the rhetoric and red herrings, to back his claims. His negotiating style is that there is a winner and a loser, and that's not how International trade works. He's trying to make Canada and Mexico submit to the mighty US, driving out any auto plants that the North American three have in our countries and any Asian auto plant, into the US. Costing jobs here and making jobs there. He's going to make life hard on us, to make gains in his own country. PP better have a good game plan, making new and strengthening old trading partners.